Just came back from an awesome trip out to the trapline. Little cool when I went out but doable. Late start getting going but made up for it on the groomed trail and lack of overflow. Got the fire going in the cabin, grabbed the water jugs, unloaded the sled and on up the line. Was seeing a lot of wolf sign on the creek so had high hopes but low expectations. We had snow, cold weather, warm weather and now cold again. That combination puts traps out of order. As I come up the trail I notice a pee post that I
thought about putting on #9 on but never did covered in fresh pee. Dang it, I stop and place a #9 on it and as I'm doing it I hear a chain rattle and walk up in front of the WT and see a gray wolf in a #9 20 yards up the trail in another pee post I made.

Cool. Dispatched her and on up the trail missed 3 more on frozen traps and a couple walk by's.

As I top out Pee Post Pass, which you are in the blind until you are on crest the ridge, I pretty excited. Low and behold a double. Both AK #9's held gray males. Definitely one of my highlights of my trapping memories.

Put them in the sled and headed back towards the cabin.

Back at the cabin, got some dinner and went to work pulling the pajamas off the Slide Creek trio. Long night but got those 3 peeled.

Big breakfast in the morn and on up the line. -25 when I left and dropping.

Hard to believe how beautiful it can be even when it's chilly.

Proceeded up to RMC and noticed quite a bit of new sign around it. Picked up a big ol gray male in a snare on the way to the bait. Still pretty soft, probably a day old. Seneker kill spring and toothed cam lock snare did the job quick.

He was 111 pounder in really good shape really long claws. Always amazes me how long their claws are if we have a good snow year.