I've had Red Pocket for over a year. You can get it from them directly or off ebay for some good deals. You can try for 30 days, 3 months, or get a year pay up front . They can hook you up on AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, or T-mobile. Ever which service you get best in your area. You can get all different amounts of minutes, text and data. If you go light on the minutes til you see if you like them and run out of minutes you can get them for $2 per 100 min, and text is same way. Data is a little more pricey. They will let you tether off your phone data for no extra charge, but they have to set you up the first time, took about 15 minutes for me on their chat, but I'm a slow typer.
Right now I get 500 min, 500 text, and 500 mb per month for $99 a year. I bought on sale for $89 on Ebay. When you buy them on ebay you only have 3 months to activate it. I bought on a sale and thought I had a year, but that was wrong, and waited 10 months til my other plan ran out. They forgave my mistake and sent a new activation code.
My wife is a tracfone addict and I could set her up cheaper but she has so many minutes saved up she don't want to. That's another thing about Red Pocket nothing, min, text or data rolls over to next month.
I get internet off of AT&T unlimited (sometimes slows down after 22 gb depends on traffic) I get it no contract paid monthly in advance for $35 a month. It was $30 but they raised it just recently. That's another ebay deal.
I'm satisfied with both but may change mind tomorrow, just giving you some info.
You do know a phone won't work on AT&T and/or Verizon. If you already have a cdma or a gsm then you can only switch by changing phones?