Hey Trappers, back in off the line. Didn't take the new Expedition because of all the snow and pulling the groomer. Caught one marten in the 3 traps I had set. Saw lots of cat sign on the trip in. Got some plans for them next week. River was solid.
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This snow is awesome. Haven't seen snow like this since the 90's. Had some work ahead of me breaking out one of my 20 mile lines.
![[Linked Image]](https://trapperman.com/forum/attachments/usergals/2020/01/full-20036-33623-img_2792.jpg)
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I howl constantly when I'm out there and I believe they are on to my shenanigans. They haven't responded to one howl but still come investigate the trespasser making all the racket. On the trip out with no wolves in the six #9's I had set out, I was pretty disappointed. Early the next morning picked up a 93# gray male in a pee post off the end of the runway. Same set I caught the first one in last season. Dispatched the wolf, reset the trap and hauled him up to the cabin. Didn't have my computer out there so couldn't watch the videos. Had the camera on video but didn't pick up the approach or catch. What it did record was short of amazing. The wolf caught in the #9 had a little 65 pound brother came into view and started chewing on the chain trying to help free his big brother.
![[Linked Image]](https://trapperman.com/forum/attachments/usergals/2020/01/full-20036-33675-img_2796.jpg)
How do I know he was 65 pounds, well I'll tell ya. After skinning wolf #1, took his skull and placed his carcass on the end of the runway in my usual carcass pile. This is my donation to the ravens for helping me find kills. The next day, ran out on the creek to dump the snow out of my sled and decided to run down and check that set again. As I rode up on the upper end of the runway, a small flock of ravens lifted off the wolf carcass laying on the end. With my glasses being fogged up, I couldn't see very clear, truthfully I don't see very clear anytime but this time it was really foggy. I saw something standing over the carcass. I slowed to a halt, grabbed the binos out of the handlebar bag and sure enough a wolf was chewing on the carcass. I jumped off the WT and went for the .204 in the Koplin gun boot. Covered in overflow, I couldn't even see the pin holding the cover on it. Panic is setting in as I grabbed the axe and started beating the ice off the scabbard. I glanced up at the wolf which was 100 yards away still contently feeding on his fallen brother as he just glanced up at me beating the heck out of my gun boot with an axe. The sun was just over my head and I believe he couldn't see me looking directly into the sun. Finally get the .204 out, loaded and pointed in the right direction. The wolf is just feeding away as I place the crosshairs on him. He was facing directly at me with his head down and not paying me any attention so I took a couple deep breaths, waited for him to turn a little broadside and touched off the trigger. The 65 pound male pup was pretty scrawny and had a few porcupine quills in his lip and not a lick of fat on him. He always was the last wolf of the pack when they go by the cameras. Sometimes it's better to be lucky that good.
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Picked up a nice little red fox and a lynx the next day above the cabin
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![[Linked Image]](https://trapperman.com/forum/attachments/usergals/2020/01/full-20036-33678-img_2806.jpg)
Just a great trip over all but really spent most of my time breaking and clearing trails. Heading back out to get some gear out.
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A little windy when I came out yesterday. Pretty sure it closed up everything I'd just got broke open. 25 below and the wind was blowing 40 across the flats. So glad I put my parka on when I left.
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Putting the fur on the stretchers tonight and heading back out on Monday or Tuesday. Good luck to all you and be safe. If I can figure out how to put some videos on here, I'll do that tomorrow