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Greetings Trappers. Came in off the line today on my Expedition Sport. Should have listened to Wolverinebait when he told me to get one of these instead of the Tundra. This thing is a beast with that 900 Ace. Couple more mods to do to it to make it to my liking but we'll get to them later. So I started the journey on my WT making lynx cubbies on the front half of the line. When climbing over new drifts, the track would ratchet something fierce. I couldn't figure out why. Then the motor hiccuped a couple times and I got nervous. I decided to cut my sled loose and head back for the truck rather than have a failure further out. Well, didn't make it far. Ended up breaking a slide rail and not sure about the motor. Acts like a ground or a switch. Looking into that tomorrow. Grabbed the Expedition and hit the trail the following morning. Had set 10 cat cubbies on the ride out the day before and picked up this pretty little female cross fox in set #2. The wind and fresh snow provided a little more drifting than the Expedition could handle pulling the sled and groomer with the narrow 16" track. I cut the groomer loose about 19 miles in and headed for the cabin. Picked up a marten and a lynx on the way to the cabin but didn't see any fresh wolf sign. Not sure where they are but leaving gear out for them upon their return. Went back and got the groomer a couple days later and broke out some more trail. Howled every night and did have a single response from the wolves. Not sure where they ran off to but I sure miss them. Swung by my sheep cabin to have coffee and lunch one day while out setting gear on the upper end of my line.
Alaskan #9 Trap Company JR Pederson PO BOX 58226 Fairbanks AK 99711 cell# 907-378-7291
Nice to have a guy to bail you out in case of breakdown, glad you made it alright. Too bad about the wolves not being around. I'm having a rough year with them in my area. Got lots of gear out, but they keep bypassing or avoiding it.
Thanks for the video ride along, my snowmachine did the same thing to me couple weeks ago and to have good buddies to come pick you up sure is nice. I picked up a 900 Expo WT, they sure are a nice machine.
Does the sheep cabin get you into more trapping country, or is it just a hunt cabin? I assume it's a fly in spot for hikes into the hills for sheep? mt
Your video reminded me of one time I broke down and lost all my antifreeze in my skandic. I was halfway between my truck and my cabin. About 10 miles in both directions. Just like you, I started a fire to keep warm. Luckily I managed to break down in a spot that had like 1 or 2 bars on my cell phone. Got a hold of a friend who was at his cabin close to mine. Luckily he had a little antifreeze on hand and ran some out to me. I always carry antifreeze with me just in case now.
martentrapper.... I trap beyond my sheep cabin for coyote and wolf. I take a lynx or two above it most years. Not much sign up there this year yet. It is nice to build a fire when ya go by and have some place to warm up when it's cold out.
Found out the problem with the Scandic WT. Broke a slide rail which was the reason for the track ratcheting and a loose negative terminal on the battery was the cutting out and not starting problem. Got 2 new rails from Delta Powersports and she's all back together and ready to go again. Took the Expedition 900 Ace out on this trip again and it continues to amaze me. Pulled the sled with the groomer 40 miles today effortlessly. Came off the line today without much fur for the stretchers. Picked up another lynx in the Catch-all set up river. Real nice female, dispatched and reset the #3 Bridger 4-coil. Had a wolverine packing off bait in the same spot I picked up the second one last year. Didn't have anything set there and thought I'd wait till next week when I have a client out with me. May have waited too long. He had all the bait gone and headed on down the line picking marten baits and then off towards the mountains. We'll try again this week. The wolves made a kill a little over a mile above the cabin so I placed a few snares for them. Lucky snuck in while the pack was away and grabbed some vittles. Hope to hang him up since I cannot seem to put him in a trap.
Picked up Wolf #3 in a pee post along the trail. 101 pound male with both front feet in the AK #9. Nice gray male
Cold weather but had a good time and covered some country without seeing much sign. 4 wolves came down below the cabin and missed them on the same post I caught wolf #1 on. Moved the trap to the other side and will have to pull it as it is soon to be engulfed in overflow. Got about a week maybe two before I have to pull it. Speaking of overflow
Cool beautiful day coming out today pulling the groomer Gotta grab some groceries, send out some #9's, pick up my client and head out on Tuesday. Hopefully it warms up. Good luck and be safe out there guys.
Alaskan #9 Trap Company JR Pederson PO BOX 58226 Fairbanks AK 99711 cell# 907-378-7291
Awesome deal on the wolf! One heck of a catch! Hope you connect with the snare set up! Thanks for sharing JR, hope you and your client connect with the gulo!
Good morning guys, just got done putting up the wolf and lynx. Thinking about going into town and picking up another used 18 Expedition 900 Ace. Low miles and a good deal. My birthday is coming up in about 6 months.
As for the Trapline Expeditions... I like do to a 2 to 3 of them a season. 4 days to a week out on the trapline with me participating in everything that we do on an Alaskan remote trapline. Truth be told, I work you like an old borrowed mule cutting firewood, clearing trails, fetching water and other physical labor that I'm just to lazy to do and then to top it off, I charge you a ridiculous amount of money to do this. Would ya like to sign up....
Alaskan #9 Trap Company JR Pederson PO BOX 58226 Fairbanks AK 99711 cell# 907-378-7291
Good morning guys, just got done putting up the wolf and lynx. Thinking about going into town and picking up another used 18 Expedition 900 Ace. Low miles and a good deal. My birthday is coming up in about 6 months.
As for the Trapline Expeditions... I like do to a 2 to 3 of them a season. 4 days to a week out on the trapline with me participating in everything that we do on an Alaskan remote trapline. Truth be told, I work you like an old borrowed mule cutting firewood, clearing trails, fetching water and other physical labor that I'm just to lazy to do and then to top it off, I charge you a ridiculous amount of money to do this. Would ya like to sign up....
Wow that video of you grooming is impressive. Sure looks like it does a great job leveling things off and even leaves some loose stuff on the surface for cooling the sled.