Covid-Death rates in the United States.
05/03/20 10:58 AM
05/03/20 10:58 AM
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As of today May 3rd, 2020 the CDC is reporting 64,283 deaths in the United States from Covid-19. While looking at those numbers it’s hard to imagine a government agency would inflate numbers but then we have to look at how they are getting those numbers. I will say Covid is killing a certain demographic of the population and it’s not to be taken lightly. However, as I will show you there’s ways it is being inflated. Let’s start with a quote from the CDC themselves. “As of April 14, 2020, CDC case counts and death counts include both confirmed and probable cases and deaths.” Well what does that mean confirmed and probable? Well lets look a little deeper into the rabbit hole. “A confirmed case or death is defined by meeting confirmatory laboratory evidence for COVID-19. A probable case or death is defined by one of the following: • Meeting clinical criteria AND epidemiologic evidence with no confirmatory laboratory testing performed for COVID-19 • Meeting presumptive laboratory evidence AND either clinical criteria OR epidemiologic evidence • Meeting vital records criteria with no confirmatory laboratory testing performed for COVID19” So a confirmed case we have a positive laboratory test for Covid-19 at the time of expiration (not necessarily even a guarantee cause of death from Covid but contributing factor). For the probable/presumptive cases we have to meet these guidelines above. So what are they? Let me show you.
Clinical criteria: "At least two of the following symptoms: fever (measured or subjective), chills, rigors, myalgia, headache, sore throat, new olfactory and taste disorder(s)" I don’t know how many people you’ve been around that die. Almost every person I’ve been around that hasn’t died immediately from an illness has an immune response and when they are near death the body temperature spikes. A fever is also found in a large amount of illnesses outside of Covid-19. OR "At least one of the following symptoms: cough, shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing" These symptoms are found in a whole host of illnesses, cardiac problems, and even that pneumonia that we have seemed to cure during this pandemic. OR "Severe respiratory illness with at least one of the following: • Clinical or radiographic evidence of pneumonia, or • Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). " There’s that pneumonia again. So we meet “clinical criteria” for death by Covid-19 by having pneumonia found on a chest x-ray. Let’s just clear that up.
Laboratory Criteria: "Laboratory evidence using a method approved or authorized by the FDA or designated authority: Confirmatory laboratory evidence: Detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in a clinical specimen using a molecular amplification detection test Presumptive laboratory evidence: ; Detection of specific antigen in a clinical specimen Detection of specific antibody in serum, plasma, or whole blood indicative of a new or recent infection " There’s that word presumptive again which has been all around since Covid began. So reading this if a patient dies and has an antibody that shows they’ve been infected with Covid-19 at some point they meet laboratory criteria for death by Covid.
Epidemiology: "One or more of the following exposures in the 14 days before onset of symptoms: Close contact** with a confirmed or probable case of COVID-19 disease; or Close contact** with a person with: o clinically compatible illness AND o linkage to a confirmed case of COVID-19 disease. Travel to or residence in an area with sustained, ongoing community transmission of SARS-CoV2. Member of a risk cohort as defined by public health authorities during an outbreak."
At this point there isn’t a state in the United States that hasn’t had some type of sustained ongoing transmission of Covid-19. So essentially every patient that presents to the hospital would meet the epidemiology criteria for death by Covid.
Now this one really makes a guy scratch his head. "•Meeting vital records criteria with no confirmatory laboratory testing performed for COVID19” So wait you can meet criteria for being one of the 64,283 deaths in the United States today without even being tested for Covid 19? What’s this vital record criteria we must have then? "A death certificate that lists COVID-19 disease or SARS-CoV-2 as a cause of death or a significant condition contributing to death." So to meet vital records criteria the death certificate simply has to say Covid-19 or SARS-CoV-2 as a contributing factor but we never tested for either of those things to prove it. Why would anyone do that? I’ll let you be the judge.
Last edited by WadeRyan; 05/03/20 11:15 AM.
Re: Covid-Death rates in the United States.
[Re: WadeRyan]
05/03/20 11:08 AM
05/03/20 11:08 AM
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8117 Steve R
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It is very apparent the covid death rate is inflated. I would be interested to see how the numbers of heart disease deaths, cancer deaths, regular flu deaths, pneumonia deaths, and others this year compare to last year's for the same time frames. I bet the deaths attributed to those causes are significantly lower this year. Maybe those comparisons could be used to find a true death rate for covid 19.
Re: Covid-Death rates in the United States.
[Re: WadeRyan]
05/03/20 11:56 AM
05/03/20 11:56 AM
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~500,000 persons normally die in the US the past 2 months(March & April) every year . So how many more have died???
Last edited by GROUSEWIT; 05/03/20 11:57 AM. Reason: Add info
Re: Covid-Death rates in the United States.
[Re: WadeRyan]
05/03/20 12:05 PM
05/03/20 12:05 PM
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Steven 49er
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It won't be long now Wade and the reality will come out now that more testing is being done.
I was a firm believer the virus was going to be serious, also a firm believer the cure is worse than the disease.
Latest figures from the governor of New York.
12.3 percent have antibodies for the virus.
That correlates to 2.5 million people in the state if the study is correct. 25,000 "confirmed" deaths.
"Gold is money, everything else is just credit" JP Morgan
Re: Covid-Death rates in the United States.
[Re: WadeRyan]
05/03/20 12:08 PM
05/03/20 12:08 PM
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This whole mess I'm blaming on the democrats. Lol
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Re: Covid-Death rates in the United States.
[Re: WadeRyan]
05/03/20 12:17 PM
05/03/20 12:17 PM
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"The current near- hysterical preoccupation with saftey is at best a waste of resources and a crimp on the human spirirt, and at worst an invitation to totalitarianism."
Michael Crichton M.D. Harvard Medical School.
Who is John Galt?
Re: Covid-Death rates in the United States.
[Re: WadeRyan]
05/03/20 01:42 PM
05/03/20 01:42 PM
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The way I see it, you can call a death by about anything you want. Guy drops his gun while sitting in his tree stand, it goes off and kills him. Man shoots himself. You can make deaths sound any way you want, so whether the covid deaths are accurate or not is based on do you want them to accurate or do you want them to be wrong.
We've all heard or read the comment it's not any worse then the flu, or 60,000 die from the flu each year.
Of course it takes 6 months for 60,000 to die from the flu, it took Covid 6 weeks to do the same. But then do 60,000 really die from the flu. Then again maybe we're not counting Covid deaths the same way they count flu deaths.
In the last six flu seasons, the CDC’s reported number of actual confirmed flu deaths — that is, counting flu deaths the way we are currently counting deaths from the coronavirus — has ranged from 3,448 to 15,620, . . . far lower than the numbers commonly repeated by public officials and even public health experts. . . . In the fine print, the CDC’s flu numbers also include pneumonia deaths.
As to the methods, the linked CDC page points us to this paper and this one. Here’s a brief explanation from the second (and more recent) study:
First, we adjusted the reported annual hospitalization rates from FluSurv-NET [a system that collects flu data from a small subset of U.S. health-care providers] . . . using multipliers that included the probability of being tested for influenza and the sensitivity of influenza testing. . . . Rates of influenza mortality were calculated by multiplying the adjusted rates of hospitalization by the ratio of deaths to hospitalizations.
That “ratio of deaths to hospitalizations,” in turn, comes from massaging still other numbers:
Not all persons who die with influenza are admitted to a hospital prior to their death, and others may die after hospital discharge, thus hospital surveillance does not fully capture deaths due to influenza in the catchment area. To estimate a more complete ratio of deaths to hospitalizations, we also included data on the probability that a person with a respiratory infection would die outside of a hospital admission. For this we used publically available mortality data from the National Center for Health Statistics for the U.S. population in 2010 to identify the deaths attributable to pneumonia and influenza (ICD-10 codes: J10-J18) and the proportion that occurred while hospitalized vs. outside of a hospital admission (e.g., at home, on arrival, in the emergency department, in hospice or long-term care facility).
In other words when it comes to how many die from the flu each year, they're guessing.
Re: Covid-Death rates in the United States.
[Re: WadeRyan]
05/03/20 01:46 PM
05/03/20 01:46 PM
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China's numbers are probably as close to believable as ours are. And I don't think China is telling the truth.
There comes a point liberalism has gone too far, we're past that point.
Re: Covid-Death rates in the United States.
[Re: WadeRyan]
05/03/20 02:31 PM
05/03/20 02:31 PM
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News media blows lot stuff , way out proportion , exaggeration, never believe everthing u hear. The officials in charge get bonus points when report deaths ftom covid. An health not covid related, noway I believe all hear on covid , it does suck however, everthing close up, get sick work from cold, cough. Sneeze a few timez. Sent home. Not allow. Ur condemn, I get sinus. Stuff year round. Latrly, eyes red at timez, sniffles a lil, nose itches. Cut grass. The other day. Things Pollunating, allegerys, at 1 job, definately some real strict policys, ppl wear masks. Probly no covid there ever, next thing, they be tell me take covid test. An show results, or told can't work, some are totaly flip out on covid. Like plague, maybe I had it in jan or got now. No symptoms, maybe 1-5 ppl got it, ? Who knows , I see test Iowa. On news, not sure what it is ? Drive up test site? Results auto? I not go one them placez unless sick, covid around them placez for sure
Re: Covid-Death rates in the United States.
[Re: WadeRyan]
05/03/20 03:00 PM
05/03/20 03:00 PM
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To answer a few questions here as there is too much speculation. The CDC states on their website that the flu deaths are ESTIMATES. The people who tried to make the flu worse than this plague used the 60,000 plus estimate, but in the past 10 years, there was on year which only had 12,000 estimated flu deaths. To those who state that dying by pneumonia is not the flu, are not including normal flu progression. Up until the 1950's, pneumonia was the natural end progression of most diseases. It is why most people never recovered from pneumonia as this is how nature ends life as body organs shut down.
For the question of why would people list Coronavirus as a death without a test. These "people" are doctors and not someone off the street. I was listening to an Indiana physician who stated this plague is twice as deadly as the normal flu by the numbers he is seeing. It requires two doctors on staff at night, where one was necessary previously. He was the first media account of noting that he was seeing numbers of young people, dying of heart attacks, and was noting blood clots were appearing more often in people who were dying. In conference calls, the media began noting after this that other doctors were seeing people who should not be dying of heart attacks, dying of heart attacks. New York morgues began sharing data that in autopsies, bodies were filled with blood clots. That is how people are listed as Covid 19 deaths without a test, because people who are treating this disease, are witnessing patterns they have not noticed previously.
Lastly, human reasoning has a flaw in it breaks down information to simplest of forms. Everyone here noted Coronavirus, and then listed an opinion, but none noted the reality that there are numbers of strains of this virus. It was documented early that China had 2 strains, a highly lethal one and a more moderate one, which people were dropping dead on the streets from heart attacks or low blood pressure. The microbiologists have found at least 8 strains. China said something about 30 strains there, and there were 40 mutations which were noted globally. Infants in London are dying of a strain which is intestinal and heart enlargement. The Italian strain was most lethal to Italians. The Chinese strain to Chinese, and that is why California did not explode like New York, as California did not have the Italian or the Spanish strain. There is now a strain working through Black ghettos which is extremely deadly.
The debate in trying to make this plague less than what it is, has no purpose. The country is opening up in part, and the Darwin candidates will deem this as safe, and there will be another jump in cases and deaths in May. Just as cases are spiking in people who just had to mass gather for Easter. There are peoples in Blacks, Chinese ethnics, Mexicans and Indians who have little resistance to this as they had none with SARS. This is where the death count is in America. Their hygiene is not the best, and coupling that with a plague, they are spreading this and dying in higher numbers than Caucasians of Germanic Slavic groups. It was projected from the start that 50 to 80 percent of Americans will get some form of this virus. This virus is not a breathed upon virus. It is a surface virus, from mucous, blood, semen, tears and feces. The worst infections are coming from feces ingestion in people not washing their hands, and rubbing it all over shopping carts, door handles and other things in public. Coronavirus can not be a blanket explanation as there are different strains and different transmissions. This is a complex biological weapon. The HIV which was spliced into it, carries the corkscrew bacteria which produces the worst infections in humans from Lyme to Leptospiria. It hides, it lays dormant and waits for the body to weaken. It also is evidenced by different symptoms, activating old flu vaccines in the human body. It has weaknesses though in the glucose and protein structures and that is why Hydroxychloroquine and Ivomec have had positive results, when not skewed by those pushing a vaccine which will not work. The earlier those treatments are started under physician care, the better the results, as the Veterans study which was stated chloroquine did not work, was not administered until 80 year olds were on ventilators and dead. Only Jesus raises from the dead.
Most of us are going to get this virus, and that is why the country is opening up, to spread for the coming wave. Some will contract this virus two or three times, and it is going to kill people for years to come due to the damage it does to body organs.
In closing, the United States had it's first peak wave this past week, in averaging 2500 cases of death per day. The numbers this week look to be holding at around 1600 deaths daily. New waves will spike these numbers in ethnics, but America should trend around 700 deaths per day, until dropping as Italy and France into several hundred per day. Anyone here can do the averages of 30 days in May at 1500 dead per day, is 45000 new deaths this month. That will project to 120,000 dead in America by June, IF this does not surge in opening up and Mexican infections can be curbed. The data has one d*mning reality in it. The last thing anyone wants is a hot spot erupting, as once the virus starts infecting hundreds or thousands in a community, it just keeps killing no matter the efforts involved. It keeps infecting in the dozens to the hundreds daily. This virus can be contained in numbers under 100 infections, but once it goes hot, it keeps on, just like it is in China, and they are covering up their infections and death rates.
Re: Covid-Death rates in the United States.
[Re: WadeRyan]
05/03/20 04:04 PM
05/03/20 04:04 PM
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Steven 49er
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General flu deaths in this country are most likely under estimated.
If we ever get an official Corono virus number it will be most likely over inflated.
Either way they'll both be estimates.
Star if its as you say, there is no stopping it unless there is a viable vaccine. If that takes 18 months we'll be in the Greatest Depression and likely staring down WWIII
"Gold is money, everything else is just credit" JP Morgan
Re: Covid-Death rates in the United States.
[Re: WadeRyan]
05/03/20 05:07 PM
05/03/20 05:07 PM
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I think it is sad (maybe scary) that we simply do NOT have access to numbers from a reliable source
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Re: Covid-Death rates in the United States.
[Re: WadeRyan]
05/03/20 05:17 PM
05/03/20 05:17 PM
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Hunter. Do they shut down the economy for influenza? Were you forced to stay home for influenza? There’s a number of things that kill more people then Covid supposedly has. I’m not going to get into that. The point of this thread is the numbers are inflated for Covid deaths.
Star, I’ll respond to your post but I’ve got to wake up a little bit more. I was never forced to stay home for Covid, and if you're also from Nebraska you haven't been forced to stay home either. Now I couldn't get a haircut or go to a bar, but there wasn't much else I couldn't do. I get my groceries, go to Menards if I need something for a project, and go to the lake and go fishing. There's a joke that says if you're antisocial you probably haven't even noticed the changes. To me that may be closer to reality then a joke. Now have some governors gotten power hungry and gone way overboard, sure they have, and hopefully the people that live in those states will remember that come election time. But let's not blame a few safety measures when it's some power hungry governors that care less about people's rights. The number of Covid deaths doesn't mean anything in the long run. The curve cannot be changed, a certain amount of people will get it, a certain amount will need hospitalization, and a certain number will die, those numbers will not change they are part of the curve. But you can change how many people need a hospital bed at one time, that is what we did by flattening the curve. We haven't come close to overloading our hospitals in Nebraska and we were one of the few to not have a stay at home order. We can now relax some restrictions and hopefully still not overload the hospitals. That's what it's been all about from day one. There was no need to take some of the drastic measures some states have taken and continue to take. That's been the problem, not the other safety measures we've taken.
Re: Covid-Death rates in the United States.
[Re: WadeRyan]
05/03/20 05:19 PM
05/03/20 05:19 PM
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Whatever strain you got in Minnesota pretty much kills old people.
70 plus years of age accounts for 82% of the fatalities 60 plus years of age accounts fro 94% of the fatalities The median age is 83 So far nobody under 30 years of age has been documented as a Corona kill.
Source: Minnesota department of Health.
Who is John Galt?
Re: Covid-Death rates in the United States.
[Re: WadeRyan]
05/03/20 05:32 PM
05/03/20 05:32 PM
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That’s where I don’t agree with you. The number of Covid deaths means something. They’ve been used by the media to cause hysteria which is going to be the biggest issue going further. The economy is tanking and we’re going to suffer much more in the long run then covid could have ever caused.
I’m relating this to the entire United States. People have given up their rights with very little resistance. Mainly fueled by the possibility of spreading a virus which is going to be spread regardless and by all means appears to be exaggerated.
People are so focused on who’s going to die from Covid no one is focusing on the big picture. Nebraska didn’t really flatten the curve. We’re leading the states in the number of Covid cases diagnosed increasing in the last week yet the hospitals still aren’t overwhelmed. It’s been in my community for over a month now with ages ranging from infants to 90 year olds with no one on a ventilator.
It’s just not the monster the media wants you to believe it is. As testing increases we’re seeing what many expected all along. For the majority of the population Covid the virus is not causing severe health issues. I agree with Steven. We’re going to dwarf the Great Depression here soon and I don’t disagree War will be too far behind.
Last edited by WadeRyan; 05/03/20 05:35 PM.
Re: Covid-Death rates in the United States.
[Re: WadeRyan]
05/03/20 06:05 PM
05/03/20 06:05 PM
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That’s where I don’t agree with you. The number of Covid deaths means something. They’ve been used by the media to cause hysteria which is going to be the biggest issue going further. The economy is tanking and we’re going to suffer much more in the long run then covid could have ever caused.
I’m relating this to the entire United States. People have given up their rights with very little resistance. Mainly fueled by the possibility of spreading a virus which is going to be spread regardless and by all means appears to be exaggerated.
People are so focused on who’s going to die from Covid no one is focusing on the big picture. Nebraska didn’t really flatten the curve. We’re leading the states in the number of Covid cases diagnosed increasing in the last week yet the hospitals still aren’t overwhelmed. It’s been in my community for over a month now with ages ranging from infants to 90 year olds with no one on a ventilator.
It’s just not the monster the media wants you to believe it is. As testing increases we’re seeing what many expected all along. For the majority of the population Covid the virus is not causing severe health issues. I agree with Steven. We’re going to dwarf the Great Depression here soon and I don’t disagree War will be too far behind.
Nebraska did flatten the curve. The curve is not about the total number of cases, it's all about not overloading the hospital, which is exactly what we did, and we did it without closing down the state and doing more damage to the economy. Let the number of cases grow, it has to do that so it slows or stops. I don't see a vaccine coming for this, so the only thing that stops it is 70% of the people getting it. So let those cases grow, but grow at a rate where the hospitals can handle it, and for now that's what we're doing. The media can cause hysteria about the virus, just as it can cause hysteria about the economy. This is not 2008, Trump is in office not Obama. There is no reason to think the economy is not coming back strong and quickly. The virus is the only thing that held it back and as more and more states open up the economy will open up too. In the long run we may be way better off when it comes to the economy. People have now seen what Trump has been saying all along, we can't depend on China for our manufacturing. Businesses are now seeing the problem with that, and many are looking at ways to get out of China and bring jobs back here to the US. To me all the doom and gloom about the economy is media driven. It's to the media's advantage to make a big deal about the virus, just as it's to their advantage to claim the economy is in bad shape and will be that way a long time. If a person doesn't believe the media when it comes to the virus, how can someone believe them when it comes to their reporting on the economy. And on the Covid virus versus the standard flu. Did we shut down for the flu, no can't say we did. But did meat packing plants close because of the flu. no they didn't. So it seems to me it's hard to compare covid to the flu, that and the fact I've never seen the flu kill 60,000 in 6 weeks, with probably another 50,000 or 60,000 to die over the next couple months.
Re: Covid-Death rates in the United States.
[Re: WadeRyan]
05/03/20 06:22 PM
05/03/20 06:22 PM
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Hunter, did Nebraska flatten the curve by shutting down the businesses you mentioned earlier or did the tidal wave of patients not come because Covid isn't as deadly as we've been told? An overflow of patients at the hospital right now is the least of their worries as many of them are running in the negative which sets the United States up for an even bigger healthcare disaster in the future. There have been positives in my community, not self quarantining, and going around the entire community for at least four weeks. They haven't followed any directives. Wal-marts are still full of people, gas stations are full of people, and people are still socializing. So by all means they've done no social distancing yet there's no influx of patients here. Just empty hospital beds.
I don't have to look at the media to learn about the economy. It's pretty straight driven when people aren't working it's not going to do well. I don't know what else to say about that. I mean I really don't have anything else.
Your last paragraph perfectly points out the reason for this post. There's that 60,000 deaths in 6 week figure I'd hope by reading my post you'd understand is a fallacy. Why didn't the meat packing plants close for influenza? The workers had influenza, spread it, and kept on working. Why is is closing for Covid-19? Everyone at the plant is getting tested for it and everyone is in fear for their lives which also as I have pointed out in this post is not necessarily needed. I've said this before can you imagine if the media reported every daily case of influenza per state in the United States for the entire flu season and reported every death related to influenza? People wouldn't leave their house, ever.