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Re: PA flint lock season question [Re: GREENCOUNTYPETE] #7168742
02/04/21 09:55 AM
02/04/21 09:55 AM
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elkaholic Offline
elkaholic  Offline

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Sabots allowed now?? Yes.

Heck I remember when you had to buy your muzzleloader stamp before the first of September, and couldn't apply for a doe license if you had one.

Finster, It was Jack Lambert. I think he was a deputy, not a full fledged WCO. I met him once at a boat launch when he was helping out during trout season. He would check your boat and send you on your way if you were good. If you had something wrong he'd give you the choice of correcting it, or leaving.

My cousin said he was checked by him during deer season a few times. Said he always treated him fair and with respect.

Lots of barroom stories abound with almost every WCO. Our old WCO was beaten up so many times in bars it's lucky he's alive if you believe the stories the float around here in Elk County. He was also very successful in getting prosecutions. So much so that people started saying he was fabricating evidence. He was so successful because he wouldn't take a case to court unless he knew he would win. He was an incredible investigator. Now he runs bird dogs for disabled vets.

Last edited by elkaholic; 02/04/21 10:15 AM. Reason: corrected myself about it being hamm not lambert. oooops

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Re: PA flint lock season question [Re: Finster] #7168748
02/04/21 09:57 AM
02/04/21 09:57 AM
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41cal Offline
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Originally Posted by Finster
Haven't flintlock hunted in decades. I know sabots used to be illegal but I don't know about now. I have a story about this one. There was an EX-Steeler that turned game officer. I think it was Jack Lambert? Anyway, he was supposedly a real piece of work and the badge went straight to his head. He would walk around the woods in flintlock season with a 5 gallon bucket of sand and make you fire into it. (Because most would carry balls but load a sabot.) If he dug out a sabot, you were in big trouble. I don't know if the story is true, I never ran into the guy, but it's interesting and seems like it would be an odd one to dream up.

How much does a 5 gal bucket of sand weigh? grin grin

Re: PA flint lock season question [Re: Wright Brothers] #7168753
02/04/21 10:07 AM
02/04/21 10:07 AM
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lesharris2305 Offline
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In Pa I use Pyrodex powder and sabot in my Traditions Pa pellet flintlock and have zero problems legally or other.

Re: PA flint lock season question [Re: 41cal] #7168768
02/04/21 10:19 AM
02/04/21 10:19 AM
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Lugnut Offline
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Originally Posted by 41cal
Originally Posted by Finster
Haven't flintlock hunted in decades. I know sabots used to be illegal but I don't know about now. I have a story about this one. There was an EX-Steeler that turned game officer. I think it was Jack Lambert? Anyway, he was supposedly a real piece of work and the badge went straight to his head. He would walk around the woods in flintlock season with a 5 gallon bucket of sand and make you fire into it. (Because most would carry balls but load a sabot.) If he dug out a sabot, you were in big trouble. I don't know if the story is true, I never ran into the guy, but it's interesting and seems like it would be an odd one to dream up.

How much does a 5 gal bucket of sand weigh? grin grin

About sixty pounds. Guy was dedicated. laugh


Re: PA flint lock season question [Re: 41cal] #7168769
02/04/21 10:19 AM
02/04/21 10:19 AM
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Fredonia, PA.
Finster Offline
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Originally Posted by 41cal
Originally Posted by Finster
Haven't flintlock hunted in decades. I know sabots used to be illegal but I don't know about now. I have a story about this one. There was an EX-Steeler that turned game officer. I think it was Jack Lambert? Anyway, he was supposedly a real piece of work and the badge went straight to his head. He would walk around the woods in flintlock season with a 5 gallon bucket of sand and make you fire into it. (Because most would carry balls but load a sabot.) If he dug out a sabot, you were in big trouble. I don't know if the story is true, I never ran into the guy, but it's interesting and seems like it would be an odd one to dream up.

How much does a 5 gal bucket of sand weigh? grin grin

Lambert was a darn big man. He was a hall of fame linebacker I think.(don't follow football). I'm sure he could handle a 5 gallon bucket of sand. That's kind of what makes me believe the story. I mean to say, who would dream that up?

Last edited by Finster; 02/04/21 10:23 AM.

Re: PA flint lock season question [Re: GREENCOUNTYPETE] #7168784
02/04/21 10:30 AM
02/04/21 10:30 AM
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elkaholic Offline
elkaholic  Offline

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Probably the same person who dreamt up the dropping rattlesnakes out of the helicopter story.

Actually I wouldn't totally disregard it. Although I doubt he walked around the woods carrying. I'd imagine he'd wait in the parking lot and tell you to shoot it. Although legally I don't think he could make someone shoot their gun off since it's legal to keep the ball in the gun to transport it from location to location. But then again who's going to argue with that behemoth of a man.

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Re: PA flint lock season question [Re: GREENCOUNTYPETE] #7168799
02/04/21 10:41 AM
02/04/21 10:41 AM
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Wright Brothers Offline
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He lost a lot of weight after the NFL but not the rep.
He wore teeth too grin.
The saloon comment was guys having fun after work, not brawling.
I pegged him as a regular guy and believe he liked it that way.
Like said many inflated rumor and gossip. After all, Steel Curtain.
And yes, Deputy.

Elko was the Elk Co guy Rebar? Or Reber?

Re: PA flint lock season question [Re: GREENCOUNTYPETE] #7168817
02/04/21 10:59 AM
02/04/21 10:59 AM
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elkaholic Offline
elkaholic  Offline

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Wright, no. His last name starts with a B.

We had a warden here that was pretty lenient. I honestly think he hated writing so he's just tell you to go home unless it was a really bad violation. He caught me one time riding an ATV in the ANF. I saw him up on a hillside watching me so I figured if I could get to the bottom of the hill and beat feet up the next hill to camp I'd be safe. Somehow he beat me to the bottom. He didn't write me, but made me push that thing up hill to camp. He followed behind me in his truck the whole way up the hill. I was tired by the time I reached the camp road. I wish I could remember his name.

Part of the coyote tagging story probably started with Cameron County's old WCO from many years ago. Story is he was a trapper. When he'd catch a coyote he'd put a bear tag in their ear, put it in a cage, and let it go in other counties. No-one from the PGC could confirm it, but those who knew him said they wouldn't put it past him to do it.

Millions of trees die every year to print environmentalist publications
Re: PA flint lock season question [Re: GREENCOUNTYPETE] #7168835
02/04/21 11:12 AM
02/04/21 11:12 AM
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Wright Brothers Offline
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The guy that tagged one with a cat tag goes to conventions
and I believe is a member here (tman).
It's his story to tell but I bet he wont lol.

Reason I asked that name.
Guy at bear camp said.
That sob pulled me over so many times I told him,
"Why don't you park that truck and just ride with me" lol.

Re: PA flint lock season question [Re: GREENCOUNTYPETE] #7168847
02/04/21 11:16 AM
02/04/21 11:16 AM
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hippie Offline
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Could be Finn, I wasn't present when it happened. At first there was a story he double loaded it.

I do know he lost his hand by it blowing up and one day I spent at his garage tuning an engine I sold his boy, I got the impression the maxi-ball wasn't tight down.

There comes a point liberalism has gone too far, we're past that point.
Re: PA flint lock season question [Re: GREENCOUNTYPETE] #7168857
02/04/21 11:25 AM
02/04/21 11:25 AM
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elkaholic Offline
elkaholic  Offline

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Hahaha. That's got to be a great story.

I was working a bear check station one year and the then new Cameron county WCO walked up to me while I was talking to my wife and said; "We got a file so big on him one of these days we'll get him." Her eyes got so big and she started stammering. I think she was so afraid I was doing illegal things and was getting ready to go to jail for awhile.

When I worked for the Elk Program a lot of people in Bennezette thought I was an undercover warden. I'm like do you think if I was undercover I'd be driving around in a big green truck with Keystones all over it?

Millions of trees die every year to print environmentalist publications
Re: PA flint lock season question [Re: GREENCOUNTYPETE] #7168874
02/04/21 11:37 AM
02/04/21 11:37 AM
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Happy Valley
CoonsBane Offline
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Re: PA flint lock season question [Re: GREENCOUNTYPETE] #7169220
02/04/21 04:52 PM
02/04/21 04:52 PM
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Bigbrownie Offline
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Jack Lambert used to patrol in the area we hunted. One bear season, he started checking licenses on our watchers just as our drivers started in. He was a jerk, putting it mildly.

Ned Weston was the best Warden I ever knew. He was a great trapper too. I used to take my beavers to his house to get tagged. He’d look over your boarding job, and offer constructive criticism if you messed up. I’ll never forget the last time I was to his place....he complimented me for a good job putting them up. Really walked away proud that day.

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