Re: Trapping Methods: Times have Changed
[Re: andrews1958]
02/09/21 03:27 PM
02/09/21 03:27 PM
Joined: Apr 2009
South Ga - Almost Florida
Swamp Wolf
Joined: Apr 2009
South Ga - Almost Florida
Ive always looked at dyeing and waxing traps as a way to protect your equipment not as a way to control human scent. Dips and paint help with camouflaging from human eyes.
It is human ignorance to believe we can beat a predator's (or a beaver's) nose. It simply cannot be done. Their nose tells them what was there and how long it has been gone.
Thank God For Your Blessings! Never Half-Arse Anything!
Resource Protection Service
Re: Trapping Methods: Times have Changed
[Re: andrews1958]
02/09/21 03:33 PM
02/09/21 03:33 PM
Joined: Nov 2017
West Central MN
Joined: Nov 2017
West Central MN
I agree with Swamp Wolf. As far as techniques and equipment goes will even go as far as comparing trapping to fishing. Your not trying to catch the fish but the fishermen who are trying to catch the fish. Good equipment is important but there is a limit to how much stuff you need to catch a critter or two.
Common sense is a not a vegetable that does well in everyone's garden.
Re: Trapping Methods: Times have Changed
[Re: clintp1971]
02/10/21 12:44 AM
02/10/21 12:44 AM
Joined: Feb 2020
Providence Farm
Joined: Feb 2020
I have read some writers that encourage you not to breathe on the set!!! That’s crazy, and for years people believed that stuff. They still do. Look at all the sent elimination products and clothing that gets sold to deer hunters. Its obvious not many deer hunters are hounds men.
Re: Trapping Methods: Times have Changed
[Re: Providence Farm]
02/10/21 04:58 AM
02/10/21 04:58 AM
Joined: Dec 2020
Qld Au
Joined: Dec 2020
Qld Au
I have read some writers that encourage you not to breathe on the set!!! That’s crazy, and for years people believed that stuff. They still do. Look at all the sent elimination products and clothing that gets sold to deer hunters. Its obvious not many deer hunters are hounds men. If your upwind they are always going to will smell you. Had a bowhunter with a few months experience recently telling me I need to buy a HECS suit so the deer can't sense my magnetic field!
"As far as I can tell, my place is right here..on the smart end of this rifle."
Re: Trapping Methods: Times have Changed
[Re: andrews1958]
02/10/21 06:16 AM
02/10/21 06:16 AM
Joined: Jul 2013
Amite county Mississippi
Joined: Jul 2013
Amite county Mississippi
Honestly what sells and looks better ? Tossing a trap in the ground and bedding it good ? Or doing a bunch a witch craft to catch a critter ? People seem to believe stuff more if there's alot more work going into it.
Had a guy ask me once how I caught some of the catfish I did ( some of these ponds where notorious for being hard to fish ) 13 yr old me shrugged and said I put a lil bluegill in a hook cast him near some cover and just let him free line till a cat hit. Guy refused to believe it was that easy talked all about needing stink bait, special this and that waiting till the wind dies so on so on. Seems to be the same with hunting fishing so on and so on.
If you read about what some of them wolfers did back in the day out west heck it's worse than what we do now. I remember reading about two guys in Oregon I think. They would just wire their trap to a rock drag ,bust a few p-dogs cut em in half , shove a half under the rock and bed a trap in front of it. That's it. Used a kneeling pad to avoid stickers I think .And they did like 600 yotes in a year if I remember correctly.
From most of my reading stuff like that in eastern trapping just wasn't a thing. It was alot of extra this and that witch craft tall tales and yadda yadda. And since those guys caught fur no one questioned it. And those who did and saw a easier way kept their mouths shut. I mean why tell your competition something that's going to make it easier for them to really compete ?
YouTube expert
Re: Trapping Methods: Times have Changed
[Re: andrews1958]
02/10/21 07:06 AM
02/10/21 07:06 AM
Joined: Dec 2006
Wright Brothers
Joined: Dec 2006
Oldest trapper I've known dunked his traps in used motor oil. I think he missed the meticulous era.
I still have them, older than the members here except for that one guy. We have acidic soil and lots of moisture. To not treat traps would mean replacing often. But many here do that anyway.
I remember growing through the hocus pocus. What a fox pee stinking mess lol. But the book said so.
There are things many have learned scent and set wise, the peanut gallery don't want to hear it so they keep to themselves. The elders could teach if I shut up enough to learn.
Re: Trapping Methods: Times have Changed
[Re: andrews1958]
02/10/21 09:08 AM
02/10/21 09:08 AM
Joined: Dec 2006
U.P. Michigan
Joined: Dec 2006
U.P. Michigan
Yes, times have changed, but trappers like Daley, Thorpe, Hawbaker and Dobbins , and others have caught a lot of fur in their day. Where would we be as trappers if we didn't have them writing books, and giving up some of their secrets?
It would be real interesting to see what they would write today, knowing what we know now.
24 years Army Medical Corps
I only want to be known as:
A great husband, a good trapper, and a great steward of the land.
Re: Trapping Methods: Times have Changed
[Re: andrews1958]
02/10/21 11:30 AM
02/10/21 11:30 AM
Joined: Dec 2019
Cedar Co., NE
Joined: Dec 2019
Cedar Co., NE
A lot of the old methods about controlling sent, baits, lures, etc. I really think boiled down to an inability to actually statistically test their effectiveness. Just think about the process of testing a new lure. If you are testing it by placing it in a few locations with trail cameras, your first few nights might actually be random selection, but after that you have site fidelity that is going to make the encounter non-random, rendering it a biased sample. Once biased, you no longer have access to your parametric tests, leaving you with non-parametric test that are not nearly as powerful in detection of a type 1 or type 2 error. Plus, this is assuming you have lets say 20 cameras out to get a reasonable sample size.
Back in the '70s and '80s you would just have no way of knowing if something you did slightly different actually caught that animal the next day, or if it would have been there either way. And if there was not an animal in the trap the next day, you assumed something was wrong with the set, without the ability to KNOW (like with a trail camera) that there was actually no activity at the site.
There are just so many different variables that can be taken into account and tested, that really a Linear Regression might be you only good way of testing some of them, and at that point as a trapper, this has gone from a enjoyable hobby to a almost overly complicated and frustrating chore. And you really have no way to account for the possibility of a trap shy animal or other compounding condition complicating the testing further.
Re: Trapping Methods: Times have Changed
02/10/21 12:06 PM
02/10/21 12:06 PM
Joined: Oct 2014
red mt
Joined: Oct 2014
Mostly because some of that stuff was either BS or intentional disinformation. Agreed, How many books you spose those old timers back in the day sold preaching there mystical methods . Not that they did not catch there share.,,, or it might be that now a days a critter can not go anywhere and not smell a human at least once. Might be familiarity that may be the case now a days ???
Kenneth schoening
Re: Trapping Methods: Times have Changed
[Re: FHSU_Wildman]
02/10/21 12:12 PM
02/10/21 12:12 PM
Joined: May 2007
Flint, Michigan
Joined: May 2007
Flint, Michigan
A lot of the old methods about controlling sent, baits, lures, etc. I really think boiled down to an inability to actually statistically test their effectiveness. Just think about the process of testing a new lure. If you are testing it by placing it in a few locations with trail cameras, your first few nights might actually be random selection, but after that you have site fidelity that is going to make the encounter non-random, rendering it a biased sample. Once biased, you no longer have access to your parametric tests, leaving you with non-parametric test that are not nearly as powerful in detection of a type 1 or type 2 error. Plus, this is assuming you have lets say 20 cameras out to get a reasonable sample size.
Back in the '70s and '80s you would just have no way of knowing if something you did slightly different actually caught that animal the next day, or if it would have been there either way. And if there was not an animal in the trap the next day, you assumed something was wrong with the set, without the ability to KNOW (like with a trail camera) that there was actually no activity at the site.
There are just so many different variables that can be taken into account and tested, that really a Linear Regression might be you only good way of testing some of them, and at that point as a trapper, this has gone from a enjoyable hobby to a almost overly complicated and frustrating chore. And you really have no way to account for the possibility of a trap shy animal or other compounding condition complicating the testing further. I wonder if anyone has actually tested whether a trap and set that is meticulously clean like used to be prescribed is any better than a set made without concern about scents with cameras and all?
Member MTPCA, FTA and NTA
Re: Trapping Methods: Times have Changed
[Re: andrews1958]
02/10/21 12:47 PM
02/10/21 12:47 PM
Joined: May 2018
SW Georgia
Wanna Be
Joined: May 2018
SW Georgia
When we were kids, the trappers we learned from and tried to emulate would bed their trap, did a hole, and throw a pinecone squirted with Fox urine down it. We caught coons, fox, and bobcats. Wasn’t any coyotes to speak of back then. We never used bait or lure, just fox pee. We did go out one night collecting road kill rabbits, but that ended up with more aerial predators than anything else.
Last edited by Wanna Be; 02/10/21 12:48 PM.