Bird flu strikes
03/17/22 07:36 PM
03/17/22 07:36 PM
Joined: Dec 2010
Posts: 36,407 Central, SD
Law Dog
Joined: Dec 2010
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Central, SD
Received a call from a neighbor yesterday about a bunch of dead geese on the East end of the lake we live on, several dead others showing no fear of humans getting close to them. Some on a road and more on private ground further down. I called my CO and she came out and picked them up for testing. Sounds like it’s happening in other places in the State from other reports.
We just had a few thousand Canada geese overnight right behind the house so I looked that over nothing dead there. Went to the dump yesterday seen a starling dead by the scale and the same neighbor that reported the dead/ dying geese had 2 dead starlings at his place. Also heard about a Turkey farm south of me on the NE border that was hit by it also by it.
Was born in a Big City Will die in the Country OK with that!
Jerry Herbst
Re: Bird flu strikes
[Re: Feedinggrounds]
03/17/22 08:36 PM
03/17/22 08:36 PM
Joined: Dec 2006
Posts: 2,213 central Missouri
Joined: Dec 2006
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central Missouri
I wouldn't miss about 50% or more of the Canada geese on my waterfront. Get you a pair of Egyptian geese pen the female and let the Male fly loose and he will drive off all other foul
Re: Bird flu strikes
[Re: Law Dog]
03/17/22 11:20 PM
03/17/22 11:20 PM
Joined: Dec 2006
Posts: 17,202 Goldsboro, North Carolina
Paul Dobbins
"Trapperman custodian"
"Trapperman custodian"
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Goldsboro, North Carolina
This was published today on the bird flu in NC.... NC wild birds are first confirmed deaths due to avian flu PRE News & Ideas | By Meredith Radford Published March 17, 2022 at 3:07 PM EDT
NC Wildlife Resources Commission Website
It's been confirmed that a snow goose in Hyde County exhibited signs of HPAI prior to being euthanized. The HPAI virus was later confirmed by an Iowa lab. The first documented wild bird mortalities due to a highly infectious avian flu were confirmed by North Carolina natural resource agencies Wednesday.
Highly pathogenic avian influenza, commonly known as bird flu has killed at least four wild birds in North Carolina. According to the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, a redhead duck in Carteret County was among these birds and was observed with neurological signs consistent with bird flu before it was euthanized. The other birds were found in Dare, Hyde, and Wake counties.
In January, the commission confirmed a positive test in a wild duck for bird flu in Hyde County, along with a second positive test in South Carolina. According to a news release, these were the first wild birds in the United States to have that strain of bird flu since 2016.
This type of virus is considered low risk to people, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, but can be dangerous to other birds including domestic poultry. The public is encouraged to report unusual wild bird behavior.
John 14:6 Jesus answered, � I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
Re: Bird flu strikes
[Re: Law Dog]
03/18/22 02:02 AM
03/18/22 02:02 AM
Joined: May 2009
Posts: 19,022 Champaign County, Ohio.
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Champaign County, Ohio.
I think that the destruction of all domestic meat bird flocks, that are in the 10 mile containment radius of birds infected with bird flu, is moronic at best and probably criminal. Those birds meat birds will be culled, with no risk of them infecting humans, within weeks anyways.
It seems pointless to worry about contained, well protected domestic birds, when trillions of wild birds fly wherever they want.
Re: Bird flu strikes
[Re: Law Dog]
03/18/22 05:29 AM
03/18/22 05:29 AM
Joined: Dec 2006
Posts: 10,492 ND
Joined: Dec 2006
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BREAKING NEWS: Avian bird flu suddenly threatens the snow goose migration with an outbreak confirmed in Missouri. A poultry industry infection has spread to snow geese, mallards, eagles and raptors, and fears are strong among experts that the highly contagious virus will spread further with the appearance of so many migrators in the next few weeks. Turkey hunters, too, should be concerned.
"Not Really, Not Really" Mark J Monti "MJM you're a jerk."
Re: Bird flu strikes
[Re: Law Dog]
03/18/22 06:59 AM
03/18/22 06:59 AM
Joined: Dec 2017
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Joined: Dec 2017
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I hadn’t read about this. Thanks
Everything the left touches it destroys
Re: Bird flu strikes
[Re: Law Dog]
03/18/22 09:11 AM
03/18/22 09:11 AM
Joined: Dec 2006
Posts: 49,556 Northern Maine
Bruce T
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Northern Maine
Life and death.The strong will survive.Life goes on.
#1 goal=Trap a wolverine