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Anybody here deal with neuropathy? #7609198
06/20/22 08:19 PM
06/20/22 08:19 PM
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lumberjack391 Offline OP
lumberjack391  Offline OP

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I have all the classic signs. Really messing with me and screws with your lifestyle. Got a checkup soon I will have it looked at. Any home remedies?

Re: Anybody here deal with neuropathy? [Re: lumberjack391] #7609273
06/20/22 09:58 PM
06/20/22 09:58 PM
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My wife is dealing with it as a result of her chemo treatments. No remedies for her. Will follow this thread.
This place is getting more like Facebook every day.

Re: Anybody here deal with neuropathy? [Re: lumberjack391] #7609289
06/20/22 10:22 PM
06/20/22 10:22 PM
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nate Offline
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You ever been tested for tick borne diseases, I've known people that it went handand hand with.

Re: Anybody here deal with neuropathy? [Re: lumberjack391] #7609292
06/20/22 10:25 PM
06/20/22 10:25 PM
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J.Morse Offline
J.Morse  Offline

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I started having trouble over 20 years ago. Toes went numb. It has since taken off and my whole foot (feet) are that way. It is hard to explain to someone how your feet can basically be numb, yet are super sensitive and hurt like HE** if you step on something even tiny. A doctor told me years ago I had diabetic neuropathy....I told him I wasn't diabetic and he just said "that's what you have". It is a royal pain. It even effects how you walk, stand, and even sleep. I hate it. I'm in my late 60's.

Re: Anybody here deal with neuropathy? [Re: lumberjack391] #7609316
06/20/22 11:07 PM
06/20/22 11:07 PM
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AKAjust Offline
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Got it from my chemo.
It affects more than your feet.
My fingers don't feel the same after chemo either.
I think it affecta ALL apendages ---If you get what I mean.

Re: Anybody here deal with neuropathy? [Re: lumberjack391] #7609335
06/21/22 12:30 AM
06/21/22 12:30 AM
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Oh Snap Offline
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Chemo here also but it’s been long enough not bothered with it anymore!

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Re: Anybody here deal with neuropathy? [Re: lumberjack391] #7609337
06/21/22 12:32 AM
06/21/22 12:32 AM
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Paul Dobbins Offline
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I also have suffered from it after chemo. I started taking Nervprin, and it knocked down the jabbing pain by about 50%. Numbness is still there.

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Re: Anybody here deal with neuropathy? [Re: lumberjack391] #7609381
06/21/22 07:15 AM
06/21/22 07:15 AM
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Macthediver Offline
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I have neuropathy as a result of chemo and it is best described as how it feels walking in wet shoes and socks. As an example on a recent fishing trip. My shoes and socks were so wet I could literally wring water out of my socks. For me other than my feet feeling cooler I really couldn't tell they were wet. Because they feel like wet shoes and socks all time. That's the kind of numb that my feet are. Yet with my shoes off bare foot. I swear a grain of sand on tile floor feels like a boulder. Is just weird and makes me walk funny. What I have been told by my doctor is that as long as I have no pain from it. It is best just live with it. I've also had both my hips fully replaced since the chemo. The neruopathy did not make it easy to rehab my hips. It definitely a life style changer for me. I used to be able to almost run in marsh in waders. Now I trip on a painted line on basketball Court. It's best early in morning when I first get moving. Then get worse longer I'm on my feet. As Ive gotten old I'm now getting some edema as day goes on. So it's not getting any easier with age.
I do have a slight bit in my hands also. Don't bother me for most part until my hands get cold. Cold hands for me was always an issue and the neruopathy actually made it easier to take.

Get your self checked out and good luck.


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Re: Anybody here deal with neuropathy? [Re: lumberjack391] #7609390
06/21/22 07:26 AM
06/21/22 07:26 AM
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lumberjack391 Offline OP
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No chemo or diabetes here- it just hit me fast and with a vengeance. I walk like a drunk kinda in a figure 8 pattern, and trip over everything. Finger tips are numb, Im at 10 percent strength- that is the part I cant deal with. Friends say take something for the pain.....there is no pain, just numbness and tingling electric current type feelings, which I guess is a pain of sorts. My son in law did say to get tested for lymes and Im sure they will.

Re: Anybody here deal with neuropathy? [Re: lumberjack391] #7609403
06/21/22 08:08 AM
06/21/22 08:08 AM
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charles Offline
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Have a friend that has “ fire feet”. Takes meds every five yours. It is a nerve disease.

Re: Anybody here deal with neuropathy? [Re: lumberjack391] #7609465
06/21/22 09:50 AM
06/21/22 09:50 AM
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Big Possum Offline
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Have had it for years. ALpha Lopoic Acid helps some and take gabbapentin also. Both help but still have constant numbness and drop foot. I sound like a cow doing down hallways the way my foot slaps. I am lucky I do not have the pins and needles sensation. Doctor says nothing they can do about it except use the previous two meds. Being on grass and dirt is much better than concrete and tile.

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Re: Anybody here deal with neuropathy? [Re: Big Possum] #7609583
06/21/22 01:09 PM
06/21/22 01:09 PM
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20 plus years of it now for walleyed.

Some days aren't as bad as others.

On bad days it feels like I'm walking
on broken coke bottle glass in the soles
of my feet- pain is excruciating.

Every day there is numbness and tingling
in the feet and legs up to my knees.

Total loss of balance and coordination when walking.

Big trouble walking in the woods and brush
on uneven ground while deer & turkey hunting.

Wouldn't wish this affliction on my worst enemy.


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Re: Anybody here deal with neuropathy? [Re: lumberjack391] #7609595
06/21/22 01:44 PM
06/21/22 01:44 PM
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Larry Baer Offline
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I have it due to stress. mine comes and goes. Just numb - sometimes the bottom of my whole foot like the wet socks mentioned above. Sometimes just the toes. Got nerve tests done about a year ago due to two smashed discs. They thought my numb feet were due to the discs but the nerves going to the feet are good- just the nerves in the feet were bad and had it.
I went through a really hard time in my life and the stress hurt my body. It aged me huge. Now I am better and living a better life and free from the stress but the body ''remembers'' it and still have the neuropathy. had it about 2 years. Maybe more. My dad has it too. He told me to take my socks off at night and it would feel better - it does. I like the feel of grass or carpet. Same with pebbles - hurt like heck. I wear boots often because I feel like my feet work better in them. I don't have the stabbing pains like others do. When I work around the farm and wear boots I forget I have it.

Just passin through
Re: Anybody here deal with neuropathy? [Re: lumberjack391] #7609869
06/21/22 10:10 PM
06/21/22 10:10 PM
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I had back surgery, they put in the ladder with an electric stimulator. Yep all the above, numbness and tingling electric current type feelings. Especially when I go to bed. I was glad to read about the loss of balance as I thought that was something else popping up. Also feels like I have athletics feet and bunions. I am actually am getting used to it after 20+ years......jk

Free people are not equal. Equal people are not free. What's supposed to be ain't always is. Hopper Hunter
Re: Anybody here deal with neuropathy? [Re: lumberjack391] #7609945
06/22/22 05:09 AM
06/22/22 05:09 AM
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lumberjack391 Offline OP
lumberjack391  Offline OP

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I can deal with the sensations, its the major lack of strength loss and bouncing off of stuff when I walk thats killing me.

Re: Anybody here deal with neuropathy? [Re: lumberjack391] #7610012
06/22/22 08:25 AM
06/22/22 08:25 AM
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jk Offline
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Oh I forgot to say that, these small problems, which are nothing like what I had before. I used to have to be home lying on the floor for two hours by 1:00o'clock or else!!! severe pain and I had to sleep in a car with the seat belt on, getting in to bed was no big thing but in the morning getting out was horrible. Now back to normal with some constant discomfort. The shooters going in my feet are new and I saw a podiatrist about having tenia pedis and bunions, she said nope it is my back. Oh well life goes on.......jk

Free people are not equal. Equal people are not free. What's supposed to be ain't always is. Hopper Hunter
Re: Anybody here deal with neuropathy? [Re: lumberjack391] #7610063
06/22/22 09:54 AM
06/22/22 09:54 AM
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J.Morse Offline
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Wow, after reading all these posts I have to say I am sure surprised how many folks suffer this crap. The neuropathy club is much larger than I thought. Just our luck, hey folks!

Re: Anybody here deal with neuropathy? [Re: J.Morse] #7610098
06/22/22 10:41 AM
06/22/22 10:41 AM
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Originally Posted by J.Morse
I started having trouble over 20 years ago. Toes went numb. It has since taken off and my whole foot (feet) are that way. It is hard to explain to someone how your feet can basically be numb, yet are super sensitive and hurt like HE** if you step on something even tiny. A doctor told me years ago I had diabetic neuropathy....I told him I wasn't diabetic and he just said "that's what you have". It is a royal pain. It even effects how you walk, stand, and even sleep. I hate it. I'm in my late 60's.

My mother has neuropathy. She says GABAPENTIN helps her. Ask your doctor about it

Re: Anybody here deal with neuropathy? [Re: lumberjack391] #7610446
06/22/22 06:48 PM
06/22/22 06:48 PM
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Dean Chapel Offline
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Always take a B complex vitamin and ask the doc for low dose nortriptyline

Re: Anybody here deal with neuropathy? [Re: lumberjack391] #7610508
06/22/22 08:36 PM
06/22/22 08:36 PM
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trapdye Offline
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Have had it for eight years now, caused by diabetes. Started with Gabapentin 500 mg daily & now up to 2000 mg daily. Takes the edge off but will never be the same. Every day is different as far as pain go's. Getting up out of bed on your feet is tough, balance sucks, feels like your walking on wet sponges.

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