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there goes my life . . . #7629110
07/17/22 06:00 PM
07/17/22 06:00 PM
Joined: Apr 2007
Posts: 17,465
Central Ohio
LT GREY Offline OP
LT GREY  Offline OP

Joined: Apr 2007
Posts: 17,465
Central Ohio
Three months ago, I was awakened at 3:30 am.
It didn't take all that much, as I had been awake most of the night.
I took a quick shower using anti-bacterial soap and quickly got dressed.
It was an hour's ride to the hospital.

I remember that ride as we drove through the dark.
I looked off in the distance at the lights toward the city.
I felt like an old hound dog that was being driven to the vet for its last ride.
I wondered if they knew somehow that they weren't coming back.
I wondered if I was.
I had my doubts.

I had, days before, signed away everything I owned
Just in case.
It would be easier I felt if things didn't go well.

At some point, it's too late to back out.
I had promised that I would go through with the surgery.
I was up against the ropes, after all, and almost out of time.
Still, I wished there was a way to postpone it or another way out.
There wasn't.

I arrived at 5 am.
It didn't take long for them to call my name.
I tried to not feel numb.
I'm not sure if I fooled anyone.

All that surgery prep became a blur.
This person in, this person out. I just did what they asked.
And finally, it was time to say 'goodbyes'.
I tried not to feel overcome with emotion
It felt like it was for the last time.

I was alone.

If you've ever faced surgery, you know that every 'team member' does their best to make you feel at ease.
Ease, as to get lost in the moment.
There were bright lights and covered faces
And then . . .

Then, time stops.
For a moment

It's blurry at first when you come to.
What were hours seemed like only minutes.
You're not sure where you are at first
I remember seeing a photo of myself, taken as I lay in recovery.
Hoses stuck in the side of my neck, hoses in my chest, and an IV in my right hand.
Barely covered in a hospital gown.

There isn't any modesty in the ICU.

Weeks went by.
Seemed like forever.
I had but one visitor the entire time I was there.
I was far from home and even my own family didn't know I was there.
I had but one person that I trusted.
They remained by my side.

One day, a nurse came in and said " Tomorrow you are being discharged ".
And so I was.
They said they were going to send me to a Rehab facility for up to six weeks.
They didn't.
A therapist would come by every few days, they said.
Never happened.

But what did. . .was the surgeon called the very next day after I went home and said he was going to schedule me to return to the hospital to have a P.I.C.C. line
inserted in my arm to administer a drug into my veins to fight a (possible) infection, every day for the next six weeks.
Just what I wanted to hear.

The last few months haven't been fun.
I wish I could say they were.
Today, I am slowly recovering, but recovering nonetheless.
I still have trouble walking a straight line or very far.
Up or down a flight of stairs.
Arising from a kneeling position is a challenge without feeling lightheaded.
I can finally carry more than 8 lbs and I've gained back some of the 70 lbs of weight I lost.
I take enough drugs to either kill or cure ten men.

And I have returned back to my job.
I don't do much, but every day I feel a little stronger.
One day at a time, they say.
One day at a time indeed.

I'm not sure what the future holds as far as trapping goes
I have considered that after 51 years, maybe just giving it up altogether.
Maybe go see some old friends
Who can say at this point !

I do however, plan on attending this year's NTA, for at least one day.
It is, after all, just right up the highway.
Should be a good show, I feel, despite the high fuel cost and low fur prices.

Why, I might even buy a trap or two . . . wink

Re: there goes my life . . . [Re: LT GREY] #7629119
07/17/22 06:09 PM
07/17/22 06:09 PM
Joined: Dec 2006
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Philippines, s.e. asia,ohio
west river rogue Offline
west river rogue  Offline

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Philippines, s.e. asia,ohio
Lt Im there also,,alot of yrs gone by. Maybe see you at the nta If i recognise you!!! Wear that old wolf skin!!!

Re: there goes my life . . . [Re: LT GREY] #7629120
07/17/22 06:09 PM
07/17/22 06:09 PM
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james bay frontierOnt.
Boco Offline
Boco  Offline

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james bay frontierOnt.
What happened to you?
Good to hear your recovering.

Last edited by Boco; 07/17/22 06:10 PM.

Forget that fear of gravity-get a little savagery in your life.
Re: there goes my life . . . [Re: LT GREY] #7629125
07/17/22 06:15 PM
07/17/22 06:15 PM
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CTRAPS Offline
CTRAPS  Offline

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Glad to hear things seem to be getting better for you. If you do go to the NTA, maybe you could wear a name tag. I'd like to meet you and say hello.

Life Member: ITA, IBA & NRA. Member of SA, MTA, FTA & NTA
Re: there goes my life . . . [Re: LT GREY] #7629126
07/17/22 06:16 PM
07/17/22 06:16 PM
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Northern Nevada
Bob Offline
Bob  Offline

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Northern Nevada
Here’s to many more years enjoying your trapline. I hope by the time season rolls around you feel up to running a few sets

"I have two guns, one for each of ya."
Re: there goes my life . . . [Re: LT GREY] #7629130
07/17/22 06:26 PM
07/17/22 06:26 PM
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North Central Idaho
Jumperzee Offline
Jumperzee  Offline

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North Central Idaho
Glad you're still with us and on the mend LT.

Re: there goes my life . . . [Re: LT GREY] #7629136
07/17/22 06:36 PM
07/17/22 06:36 PM
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Goldsboro, North Carolina
Paul Dobbins Offline
"Trapperman custodian"
Paul Dobbins  Offline
"Trapperman custodian"

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Goldsboro, North Carolina
You're a tough old codger, and I think you'll be fine after some time passes. I know those feelings and thoughts right before going into surgery. I felt the same way. Hope to see you in Lima. You're welcome to sit behind my booth and rest any time you want.

John 14:6 Jesus answered, �I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

[Linked Image]
Re: there goes my life . . . [Re: LT GREY] #7629156
07/17/22 07:09 PM
07/17/22 07:09 PM
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2A Sanctuaries-W. OK & N. NM
Blaine County Online content
Blaine County  Online Content

Joined: Mar 2010
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2A Sanctuaries-W. OK & N. NM
Glad you are up and around. I've always enjoyed your trapping posts. They taught me a lot.

Re: there goes my life . . . [Re: LT GREY] #7629167
07/17/22 07:24 PM
07/17/22 07:24 PM
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Fredonia, PA.
Finster Offline
Finster  Offline

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Fredonia, PA.
God bless and I will keep you in our prayers.

Re: there goes my life . . . [Re: LT GREY] #7629173
07/17/22 07:28 PM
07/17/22 07:28 PM

Mark June
Mark June

These types of times that you describe Lt Grey (good post) makes us think deep, meaningful, relevant thoughts about the big things in our lives.
No doubt puts things in proper perspective.
The big things jettison quickly ahead of our little things that really don't matter very much.

Praise God!

See you in Lima.

Re: there goes my life . . . [Re: LT GREY] #7629174
07/17/22 07:28 PM
07/17/22 07:28 PM
Joined: Dec 2006
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smithfield, virginia
flash Offline
flash  Offline

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smithfield, virginia
Your writings put us right there LT. I too know that feeling. Hey, your still up right so count your blessing!! Prayers for a steady recovery, one day at a time old trapper one day at a time.

Re: there goes my life . . . [Re: LT GREY] #7629175
07/17/22 07:29 PM
07/17/22 07:29 PM
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Bob Jameson Offline
Bob Jameson  Offline

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It took me a good 6 -7 months Tony to really feel better after my bypass surgery. That was in April 2011 .

Everyone recovers at their own pace. Don't push it too hard. I know you and I share many of the same traits and motivational drive. That is a difficult mental challenge to deal with at times.

Use good sense and be practical most of the time and you will be back on track before you know it.

Hopeing for a steady recovery for you.

Bob J.

Re: there goes my life . . . [Re: LT GREY] #7629277
07/17/22 09:36 PM
07/17/22 09:36 PM
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western mn
bucksnbears Online content
bucksnbears  Online Content

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western mn
Best of of luck LT.

swampgas chili and schmidt beer makes for a deadly combo

You have to remember that 1 out of 3 Democratic Voters is just as dumb as the other two.
Re: there goes my life . . . [Re: LT GREY] #7629279
07/17/22 09:39 PM
07/17/22 09:39 PM
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trapper les Offline
trapper les  Offline

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Heal up oldtimer.

"Those who hammer their guns into plowshares will plow for those who do not."
Re: there goes my life . . . [Re: LT GREY] #7629319
07/17/22 10:38 PM
07/17/22 10:38 PM
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Bear Tracker Offline
Bear Tracker  Offline

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One month into a spinal fusion recovery, couple to. Hang in there and heal at your own ace. You got this. Keep trappin

Re: there goes my life . . . [Re: LT GREY] #7629324
07/17/22 10:48 PM
07/17/22 10:48 PM
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330-Trapper Offline

330-Trapper  Offline


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Prayers LT

NRA and NTA Life Member

Re: there goes my life . . . [Re: LT GREY] #7629381
07/18/22 04:52 AM
07/18/22 04:52 AM
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Turtledale Online happy
Turtledale  Online Happy

Joined: Mar 2020
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Your still on the right side of the grass! Hope your recovery speeds up and has you back on the line this year. Take care, I really enjoy your posts

Last edited by Turtledale; 07/18/22 04:52 AM.

NYSTA, NTA, FTA, life member Erie county trappers assn.,life member Catt.county trappers
Re: there goes my life . . . [Re: LT GREY] #7629396
07/18/22 06:22 AM
07/18/22 06:22 AM
Joined: Jul 2018
Posts: 76
Conneaut Lake, PA
trapperjim1 Offline
trapperjim1  Offline

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Conneaut Lake, PA
LT GREY, Thank You for expressing our emotions while waiting for surgery. We are alone at these times, and do some of our most honest introspection. Please spend some time hanging around Paul's booth, I would love to meet you. Jim

Re: there goes my life . . . [Re: LT GREY] #7629397
07/18/22 06:25 AM
07/18/22 06:25 AM
Joined: Jul 2018
Posts: 76
Conneaut Lake, PA
trapperjim1 Offline
trapperjim1  Offline

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Conneaut Lake, PA
LT GREY, Thank You for expressing our emotions while waiting for surgery. We are alone at these times, and do some of our most honest introspection. Please spend some time hanging around Paul's booth, I would love to meet you. Jim

Re: there goes my life . . . [Re: LT GREY] #7629398
07/18/22 06:26 AM
07/18/22 06:26 AM
Joined: Dec 2006
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Philippines, s.e. asia,ohio
west river rogue Offline
west river rogue  Offline

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Philippines, s.e. asia,ohio
Youre correct,,seems like its all on our shoulders. Looking to get my son in day too stressed.

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