Re: Is O'Gorman quitting ?
08/26/22 05:00 PM
08/26/22 05:00 PM
Joined: Mar 2012
Posts: 3,813 Nevadafornia
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I got word that Craig put out his last catalog, so I'm wondering what that means for O'Gorman Enterprises.
That's old news. Probably be the last year you'll be able to buy his lure/bait.
Re: Is O'Gorman quitting ?
08/26/22 07:57 PM
08/26/22 07:57 PM
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beartooth trapr
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Well good for Craig and Dana, good people they deserve to retire.
Let me sugar coat this
Re: Is O'Gorman quitting ?
[Re: E.J. Kelley]
08/26/22 08:26 PM
08/26/22 08:26 PM
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I heard that its been bought but i wont say by who. May be a rumor and i dont know anything else. Very curious to see what happens. If it's true it has been bought hopefully the new owners will actually continue the product line and it doesn't turn out like BMI, Oneida Victor and sleepy creek .
Last edited by DanN; 08/26/22 08:57 PM.
Re: Is O'Gorman quitting ?
08/26/22 08:33 PM
08/26/22 08:33 PM
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Buck (Zandra)
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Another link to the past leaving.I've used his lures since the early '80's.Powder River Paste Bait ,LDC, Revenge worked great up here.
Buck(formely known as Zandra)
Re: Is O'Gorman quitting ?
[Re: John-Chagnon]
08/26/22 09:28 PM
08/26/22 09:28 PM
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Wish them the best no matter what they do. Amazing service to the trapping community for a long long time. John, you have been blessed with caring on another great legacy. Hopefully someone else will be too.
I wonder if tap dancers walk into a room, look at the floor, and think, I'd tap that. I wonder about things.....
Re: Is O'Gorman quitting ?
08/27/22 06:47 PM
08/27/22 06:47 PM
Joined: Jul 2008
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Be a good one for Kendal to buy.
I'm itchin' to see a coyote twitchin'.
More trappin' and less yappin'.
Member FTA & USSA.
Re: Is O'Gorman quitting ?
[Re: yoteguts]
08/27/22 07:17 PM
08/27/22 07:17 PM
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Central Ohio
Be a good one for Kendal to buy.
Well from my point of view, not that it matters, he would be one of the few I know of, capable of pulling it off. One look at his new catalog and it's easy to see he has as much to offer as anyone in the market. He's already making the 'High Desert Spear' disposable stake head, which as many of you know, is the ORIGINAL design of the so-called Wolf Fang. ( This, with Craig's permission : Something no one else certainly had. )
Now if I'm Craig, or we could easily say Dana, I don't sell my lure and bait formulas, because ( in most cases ) the lures will never, ever be the same ! Even those who can make lure. . .some lure. . . can mess it up, as they don't formulate it the same. Look at the other Nelson formulas on the market. As good as they are, they not exactly the same as Fuller made them.
It's not always the ingredients that make the lure !
Now if the offer is too great to believe, say $000000's, maybe you do, I can't make a decision for another man, but there won't ever be another Craig and Dana O'Gorman in this industry.
If it sounds as if I'm biased, well consider he's earned my respect in being the fore-runner in much of what we know about coyotes today. Craig ALWAYS gave credit, where credit was due. You seldom ever see that anymore. Since they've made nearly every phone a camera and a film camera as well, everyone is a gol-darn expert. Go on you tube and you'll soon see I'm right. Too many trappers think they've invented the wheel, with no respect for how we got here. Craig and Dana are the 'power couple' in this industry.
They are , not only respected but revered !
You don't see that very often at that level. . . but have to say, that Kendall is getting pretty darn close ! He is , after all, the NEXT generation, IMO
Re: Is O'Gorman quitting ?
08/27/22 10:39 PM
08/27/22 10:39 PM
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north Idaho
Sorry, who is Kendall, brain fart I guess. 1st time around O'G was in Iowa at Waverly ITA meet, I believe. Remember him talking about the secret stuff to keep traps working in snow and cold. Calcium Chloride. 
Hunt with your Kids, not for them. >>>----->