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Rvsask, you do realize that most anything on “fact-check” is corrupt, depending on the narrative they are trying to push. It is anything but factual…. Would be the same as using the Onion as a source.
You do not have to like or use fact check to find countless sources saying the same thing.
But “fake news”!!!!!!!!
Brilliant actually on the part of someone who wanted everyone to think what they don’t like is fake. Lol
Re: Canada handgun ban
[Re: Boco]
#7699292 10/24/2208:46 AM10/24/2208:46 AM
Your country is gone to H--- in a handbasket,kids scared to go to school in case they get massacred and you think you have freedom?Your funny guy. If You ever been in Canada you would know what real freedom is. You have a false sense of freedom based on a crutch. Its unfortunate that you have so many problems within that need fixing bad,and you have some false sense of what its like in Canada that concerns you? Not only is your country screwed,your priorities are as well.
How do you guys pay your mortgage with so many Canucks living in your head rent free,lol.
Hook line and sinker. The safest time of a child in America is while they are in school. That fact doesn't sell an agenda or get you viewership. You can't be free if your mind is so easily manipulated.
Fearful people will never be free as false security is an easy sell. Carry on comrade! lol
Give an illegal alien a fish and he eats for a day. Deport him and you never have to feed him ever again!
Re: Canada handgun ban
[Re: Cragar]
#7699304 10/24/2208:56 AM10/24/2208:56 AM
I guess I just cant wrap my brain around how complacent some people are when it comes to the Govt taking things from citizens - freedoms and or material possessions - and then accept it because “it doesnt affect me”. Well, it affects someone. I dont care if they take an AR 15 or a camera or a fishing rod. The point is, that is Govt overreach. Dont EVER be complacent or nonchalant when it comes to the Govt preventing or taking things from it citizens that they have a long history of ownership or possession. You dont get those things back - they just add to the growing list of things we used to have or things we used to do.
Do not willingly give up anything - whether it affects you or not - the easier you make it for your Govt to take something - the more they will do it. I see that with trapping here in the US. States ban the use of leghold traps - and most of the citizens of the state just say “it doesnt affect me”.
Do not EVER be complacent when the Govt takes away a long standing freedom. EVER.
It would be interesting to see the comments from the US citizens here if our Govt just up and banned the sale, purchase, or transfer of all handguns. Not sure any US citizen on the forum would be so complacent - even if they had never owned a handgun. It isnt so much that it is a handgun - it is that the Govt is taking something from you - whatever it is. I think we just have a different mindset than Canadians.
Well said. I'll even oppose the taking away of rights if it's something I am generally against. For example, pitbulls. Not a fan of pitbulls. Kids get mauled to death every year by them. 90%+ of the people who own pitbulls should not own them. I would be happy to never see another pitbull. BUT I would also NEVER support the banning of them. Because people should have a right to choose what dogs they want to own. And because 1 out of 1000 people might have a legit use for a pitbull, such as a hog catch dog. So even though I am generally against pitbulls, I do not think pitbulls should be banned.
Once in a while, you get shown the light In the strangest of places if you look at it right
Re: Canada handgun ban
[Re: Cragar]
#7699307 10/24/2208:58 AM10/24/2208:58 AM
Dragger-why do you have to have armed guards at your kindergardens to keep you kids safe? What kind of a screwed up society has to do that? That is the antithesis of freedom. You need to get your act together fast-you are raising your kids to live in fear.
Forget that fear of gravity-get a little savagery in your life.
I guess I just cant wrap my brain around how complacent some people are when it comes to the Govt taking things from citizens - freedoms and or material possessions - and then accept it because “it doesnt affect me”. Well, it affects someone. I dont care if they take an AR 15 or a camera or a fishing rod. The point is, that is Govt overreach. Dont EVER be complacent or nonchalant when it comes to the Govt preventing or taking things from it citizens that they have a long history of ownership or possession. You dont get those things back - they just add to the growing list of things we used to have or things we used to do.
Do not willingly give up anything - whether it affects you or not - the easier you make it for your Govt to take something - the more they will do it. I see that with trapping here in the US. States ban the use of leghold traps - and most of the citizens of the state just say “it doesnt affect me”.
Do not EVER be complacent when the Govt takes away a long standing freedom. EVER.
It would be interesting to see the comments from the US citizens here if our Govt just up and banned the sale, purchase, or transfer of all handguns. Not sure any US citizen on the forum would be so complacent - even if they had never owned a handgun. It isnt so much that it is a handgun - it is that the Govt is taking something from you - whatever it is. I think we just have a different mindset than Canadians.
Nailed it.
Let's go Brandon
"Shall not comply" with morons who don't understand "shall not infringe."
Re: Canada handgun ban
[Re: Boco]
#7699325 10/24/2209:22 AM10/24/2209:22 AM
Dragger-why do you have to have armed guards at your kindergardens to keep you kids safe? What kind of a screwed up society has to do that? That is the antithesis of freedom. You need to get your act together fast-you are raising your kids to live in fear.
What kind of screwed up society do you live in when none of your population can be trusted to own a potentially dangerous tool?
Re: Canada handgun ban
[Re: Boco]
#7699329 10/24/2209:28 AM10/24/2209:28 AM
Dragger-why do you have to have armed guards at your kindergardens to keep you kids safe? What kind of a screwed up society has to do that? That is the antithesis of freedom. You need to get your act together fast-you are raising your kids to live in fear.
Only in liberal areas. None around here?
Let's ask aboriginal survivors of the "residential" schools how safe they felt while there?
Maybe compare death totals?
I heard they recently dug up over 150 kids behind one of those schools?
( Update: Another 500 across the street.)
They needed armed guards to protect them from your government! lol
Last edited by Dragger; 10/24/2209:53 AM.
Give an illegal alien a fish and he eats for a day. Deport him and you never have to feed him ever again!
Re: Canada handgun ban
[Re: Cragar]
#7699348 10/24/2210:06 AM10/24/2210:06 AM
Another takeaway, there are allowances for shooting sports. However the stipulations are "olympic style" or type to be determined. Plus the applicant must be actively involved and training.
New potential shooters are not yet actively involved or training. Hence, shooting sports dead within a generation.
Re: Canada handgun ban
[Re: Boco]
#7699362 10/24/2210:31 AM10/24/2210:31 AM
Dragger-why do you have to have armed guards at your kindergardens to keep you kids safe? What kind of a screwed up society has to do that? That is the antithesis of freedom. You need to get your act together fast-you are raising your kids to live in fear.
Doesn't Canada have armed guards in schools?
Re: Canada handgun ban
[Re: Cragar]
#7699369 10/24/2210:38 AM10/24/2210:38 AM
The chart below gives me encouragement that guns will not be disappearing from civilian ownership in the USA anytime soon. We do have to remain vigilant though.
"My life is better than your vacation"
Re: Canada handgun ban
[Re: waggler]
#7699376 10/24/2210:47 AM10/24/2210:47 AM
This is why the mid term elections are so important if the cheating can be stopped!
Originally Posted by waggler
The chart below gives me encouragement that guns will not be disappearing from civilian ownership in the USA anytime soon. We do have to remain vigilant though.
I love the smell of burning spruce---I love the sound of a spring time goose---I love the feel of 40 below---from my trapline I will never go!
Re: Canada handgun ban
[Re: Cragar]
#7699393 10/24/2211:06 AM10/24/2211:06 AM
Dragger-why do you have to have armed guards at your kindergardens to keep you kids safe? What kind of a screwed up society has to do that? That is the antithesis of freedom. You need to get your act together fast-you are raising your kids to live in fear.
Why do canadians have to bury First Nations children under the schools they were sent to for education?