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Wireless Dog Fence #7794131
02/08/23 09:40 PM
02/08/23 09:40 PM
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Snow Hill, MD
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Anyone use these that would recommend a certain brand? I’m talking about the kind with a transmitter you put in your home and your dog can only go a few hundred yards without getting shocked/beeped. I have a year old lab that likes to go visit my uncle and grandfathers house, and need to keep her home. And my hand hurts.

Any recommendations? I’m currently reading about the Petsafe Stay and Play system , it’s got pretty good reviews.

Thanks, John

Re: Wireless Dog Fence [Re: JoMiBru] #7794152
02/08/23 10:05 PM
02/08/23 10:05 PM
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We had petsafe for years and they worked great for our labs. We had 2 of the sending units so it effectively doubled the range they had by putting the two units far apart. (one in one far corner of the house and one in the back corner of the fur shed) It's still not a huge area though. I think it was 180 feet in diameter for each transmitter. Look up refurbished ones on-line to save yourself some money. We sold it when we moved to town and now use the buried fence it was easy to install and works great too but I can better define the area they can go. Unfortunately the people who bought it didn't get around to getting it installed and found their lab dead on the road a week later. frown

Re: Wireless Dog Fence [Re: JoMiBru] #7794169
02/08/23 10:21 PM
02/08/23 10:21 PM
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No experience with the wireless ones. Their perimeter size was not what I needed.

I went with the Stubborn Dog wire system and bought a spool of 16 ga. wire. The yellow stuff they come with is pretty chintzy. Only place I buried it was across my blacktop driveway (Harbor Freight masonry blade on my circular saw). The rest is anchored by 6" wire landscape staples. Only takes a couple years til the wire thatches right into the turf.

I've got a pair of male Rotts inside a 5 acre wire perimeter and it's been long as I keep the collar unit batteries changed.

Wollen nicht krank dein feind. Planen es.
Re: Wireless Dog Fence [Re: Strut10] #7794179
02/08/23 10:28 PM
02/08/23 10:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Strut10
No experience with the wireless ones. Their perimeter size was not what I needed.

I went with the Stubborn Dog wire system and bought a spool of 16 ga. wire. The yellow stuff they come with is pretty chintzy. Only place I buried it was across my blacktop driveway (Harbor Freight masonry blade on my circular saw). The rest is anchored by 6" wire landscape staples. Only takes a couple years til the wire thatches right into the turf.

I've got a pair of male Rotts inside a 5 acre wire perimeter and it's been long as I keep the collar unit batteries changed.

That's the same one we have now. I built a little metal sled with a 3" tall blade on the bottom. One guy stands on it and it gets pulled by a 4 wheeler around the perimeter of the yard. It cuts a little groove in to lay the wire in. Only took a little while to go around 3 lots here in town. (thawed damp ground is easiest) I bought 12ga wire for mine. It cost more but no trouble in 4 years now. I can get a picture of it if anyone wants to see it.

Labs are smart dogs and it's very easy to train them.

Re: Wireless Dog Fence [Re: JoMiBru] #7794189
02/08/23 10:43 PM
02/08/23 10:43 PM
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We had Invisible Fence that did the job for 20 years.

Our first lab tested it for 11 years our second one for 9 before we lost him to cancer.

I'm not sure what they offer for wireless units but we sure were happy with the one we had.


Re: Wireless Dog Fence [Re: JoMiBru] #7794222
02/09/23 12:02 AM
02/09/23 12:02 AM
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We have petsafe for the last 15 years, You can set to a certain amount of room to roam around the house. I still laugh when the dogs run & stop on the line. We tried the battery collars, Didn't seem to last very long. Now we use the rechargeable collars.

John's Nuisance Wildlife Control
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Re: Wireless Dog Fence [Re: JoMiBru] #7794240
02/09/23 12:49 AM
02/09/23 12:49 AM
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You could take the collars completely off my dogs now and you'd have a hard time trying to drag them across that line. They set down and dig their feet in. I have to let them in the house and out into the attached garage to get them loaded up to go to the vet for shots and such. The collars we have now use a 9v battery and it lasts a year or longer. We had those over-sized watch batteries in the old collars and they were dead every 3 months or so it seemed.

Re: Wireless Dog Fence [Re: JoMiBru] #7794457
02/09/23 11:42 AM
02/09/23 11:42 AM
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We have the underground fence variety that encircles around two acres of our yard which is how much grass I cut. The dog wears a collard that beeps when they get within 4 feet. The closer to the edge they get the beeping increases in intensity. If they go too far they get a shock. It's amazing how quickly they learn their boundaries. I agree with ADC, eventually you can take the collars off, they know how far they can go.

My doctor suggested I start doing squats, so I moved all the beer to the bottom shelf of my fridge.
Re: Wireless Dog Fence [Re: JoMiBru] #7794757
02/09/23 09:06 PM
02/09/23 09:06 PM
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Sounds like the Petsafe is a good option. Thanks guys!

Re: Wireless Dog Fence [Re: JoMiBru] #7794992
02/10/23 07:38 AM
02/10/23 07:38 AM
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Pet Safe wireless!

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