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I'm glad he's continuing his show on Twitter. That said, I believe he's just another talking head, like so many others. And since the revelations of the Dominion lawsuit, I think it's pretty clear Tucker is just telling his viewership what he thinks they want to hear. BUT that doesn't make it wrong.
Have you ever seen a post on here by one of the libs bashing Biden for something he's done? I have. And we all know that they really don't care THAT much about what he's done, because we know they're going to vote for him all over again.
And I think that's Tucker. I think Tucker is a Never Trumper. But he understands his viewers are Ultra Maga and so he tailors his show to them. And he gives great info on his shows. Tucker may hate Trump, but if it comes down to Biden and Trump in the election, I'm pretty sure he'll be holding his nose and voting for Trump.
Just give me one thing, that I can hold on to. To believe in this livin' is just a hard way to go.
Not a fan of Trump for sure but interested in Tucker and the comments he made about Trump off air just wanting to see what he thinks now that he is free of Fox. But Im sure he will have to take some stand to keep his Twitter commentary going.
Re: Tucker on Twitter
[Re: danvee]
#7863129 05/10/2305:21 PM05/10/2305:21 PM
Not a fan of Trump for sure but interested in Tucker and the comments he made about Trump off air just wanting to see what he thinks now that he is free of Fox. But Im sure he will have to take some stand to keep his Twitter commentary going.
The upper echelons at Fox didn’t like Trump so I think it won’t matter with Tucker. He will just say what he thinks like he always does.
I hope its like he says honest news and not biased, however who pays Tucker now? Im not thinking he will do the twitter news cast free, and anytime there is money someone is going to push him to there agenda. But not sure how twitter works to tell you the truth the posted link is the first I have used it.
Anyone remember when Tucker got smoked by Jon Stewart on Crossfire? Even though he's very funny, I don't agree with Stewart on anything much politically. But this was awesome. My recollection is that Tucker was fired by CNN shortly after.
Anyone remember when Tucker got smoked by Jon Stewart on Crossfire? Even though he's very funny, I don't agree with Stewart on anything much politically. But this was awesome. My recollection is that Tucker was fired by CNN shortly after.
Always happy to see a conservative go down ain't ya?
There comes a point liberalism has gone too far, we're past that point.