Re: Sound of freedom
[Re: Trapper7]
07/12/23 05:53 PM
07/12/23 05:53 PM
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I plan to see it. I have heard and seen Jim Caviezel who stars in this go into tears just talking about it. Shawn Ryan is a former Navy SEAL who does a podcast. He did' a two hour interview with Jim. You can Google it. Best interviewer out the.
Re: Sound of freedom
[Re: steeltraps]
07/12/23 05:54 PM
07/12/23 05:54 PM
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Wanna Be
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I agree 100 % with you Wanna Be. I shoot guns with lots of the = Task Force guys. I tell them. I couldn’t just arrest someone like that and let the Law take its course! Alabama newspapers would read = Sex Offender accidentally shot 17 times on way to jail ! LoL ! If I ever find one, no one will know and he’ll end up on a milk carton as missing also. If they even still do that.
Re: Sound of freedom
[Re: wetdog]
07/12/23 08:12 PM
07/12/23 08:12 PM
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adam m
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Just search Adrenochrome if you want your feelings hurt Everyone needs to wake up and help stop this That's a whole other rabbit hole for sure. It's disgusting. They do go together though. For those that don't know it's "the fountain of youth" used by many celebrities. Disney has their goofy hands in both.
Re: Sound of freedom
[Re: victor#0]
07/12/23 08:16 PM
07/12/23 08:16 PM
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adam m
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BC it's not drinking blood per say it's usually injected or put in creams.
You don't even need to use the dark web look for an Asian distributor (normal merchandise) they will have it in powder form.
Last edited by adam m; 07/12/23 08:16 PM.
Re: Sound of freedom
[Re: victor#0]
07/12/23 09:44 PM
07/12/23 09:44 PM
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Folks rape small children and harvest their organs but they draw the line at drinking their blood? Check out spirit cooking. This gal ran with the same circles as the Clintons.
Last edited by riverratdm; 07/12/23 09:44 PM.
Re: Sound of freedom
[Re: victor#0]
07/12/23 11:04 PM
07/12/23 11:04 PM
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It is sad that educated people think they are so smart, that they cannot be deceived; and that they are always correct in their judgement. Covid has proven that statement 100% correct; when the people that were wrong have not admitted it and continue to double down.
Reality is that the people that fell for the Covid, masks, and vaccine BS were some of the most educated people we have here in this country. Many doctors. lawyers, and politicians. Why is that? Well, its because of two things: either pride or deliberate deception, they think they are smarter, and thus better than the rest of us due to their education; so it is their obligation to criticize and ridicule the rest that don't agree with them. They were WRONG, and instead of eating crow, they have doubled down.
Reality is evil is very real and everywhere. It is within the highest places of our government. The god of the world is Satan. Since the beginning of mankind, he has been sacrificing children. From the days of Noah, to Sodom and Gomorrah, to Baal, Molech, and even the children in Herod's time. It is no different now; other than the elite and rich is doing it; much like it was the leadership doing it in those days. Is that ironic? The leadership was doing it then, and they are doing it now. They allow it. They will not close the border.
The globalist elite that run our government think they are gods, and so must require a sacrifice, that is how wicked they are. I am not Qanon. But, there is real evil in very high places. It is not the crackhead riding down the gravel roads looking for stuff to steal that is paying for these children.
What is a virgin child worth? What is the cost of a young boy to rape worth if that is your thing? How many rich evil elites are in this world that need organ transplants because they want to live forever?
Reality is adrenochrome is real. It is produced by people, especially children when they are in absolute fear of their life. Its a reaction that occurs when adrenaline is dumped into the bloodstream due to extreme fear of death or hardship. Satanists (and I think our government is full of them); as well as rich elites use this because they think it helps prolong their lifespan and gives them youth.
If you don't agree, then prove me wrong with facts and not attacks. Chancey
Resident Conspiracy Theorist Accused Moron, Nazi, Low IQ, and Putin Fan Boy
Re: Sound of freedom
[Re: victor#0]
07/13/23 11:51 PM
07/13/23 11:51 PM
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So this is interesting. Appears Mark Wahlberg has come out against pedophilia and adrenochrome in Hollywood as well. Link below..... Mark Wahlberg Hollywood So, the question is who is lying? Either Marky Mark, Mel Gibson, and Jim Caviezel or lying.....or the Hollywood elite, MSM, and our federal government is lying to us. Hmmmmn..... I wonder which one it could be?
Resident Conspiracy Theorist Accused Moron, Nazi, Low IQ, and Putin Fan Boy
Re: Sound of freedom
[Re: Blaine County]
07/14/23 03:14 AM
07/14/23 03:14 AM
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randall brannon
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Just search Adrenochrome if you want your feelings hurt Everyone needs to wake up and help stop this And, here we go. QAnon. Do you really believe that the democrats and Hollywood types are drinking the blood of kids? Seriously? You really amaze us!!! You really do!!!!! Pedophiles are in Hollywood and their Disgusting acts are real. Just keep drinking your Kool aid!!!
God please keep they 19 fallen UBB miners out of trouble up there.
Re: Sound of freedom
[Re: wetdog]
07/14/23 03:17 AM
07/14/23 03:17 AM
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randall brannon
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It's interesting that NONE of the presidential canidates have discussed this or what they are going to do about it and MSM won't touch it. No doubt there are some in our own government / alphabet agencies and other high places who are benefitting from this either financially or by satisfying their sick perversions. YouTube Trump speeches on human trafficking. Remember his first EO, Many forget Yes he did!! He even organized a task force and they found over 25 missing and exploited kids in the first month but then the MSM did not want that put out there!!!
God please keep they 19 fallen UBB miners out of trouble up there.
Re: Sound of freedom
[Re: wetdog]
07/14/23 03:19 AM
07/14/23 03:19 AM
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randall brannon
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BC Do a little research on your own Go to the dark web and see for yourself
He seems to have issues with this happening!!! Kinda makes you wonder.
God please keep they 19 fallen UBB miners out of trouble up there.
Re: Sound of freedom
[Re: victor#0]
07/14/23 03:21 AM
07/14/23 03:21 AM
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randall brannon
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west virginia usa
When you catch these POS animals they need to be executed slowly and in Public to let the world know that we will not tolerate this and the Politicians allowing it should get the same. Skin them alive slowly would be fair!!!
God please keep they 19 fallen UBB miners out of trouble up there.
Re: Sound of freedom
[Re: victor#0]
07/16/23 09:59 PM
07/16/23 09:59 PM
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My wife and I saw the movie this afternoon. Here's what I posted about it elsewhere...
"I think it was a writer for the Atlantic magazine (I once had a subscription to it long ago) that said when he went to the movie Sound of Freedom, that people in the audience were acting like it was Tom Cruise's Maverick, I suppose people may have cheered when the "hero" of the show gets the two main kinds in the movie away from the bad people. If what the writer said was true, it must have been in a different region and culture than the audience that Shelly and I saw the movie with this afternoon. Not a sound was heard during the high point of the movie.
There was a good number of older people at this showing, maybe they had heard about the movie at church and came to check it out. Maybe those type of Midwestern folks were mostly saddened by the movie or in shock that child sex slavery is a huge money maker around the world, although this movie only dealt with parts of the western hemisphere. I wasn't shocked by anything I saw or was implied in the movie, that there is a good number of evil people in the world that treat kids (or adults for that matter) as disposable things is nothing new to people who pay attention. I guess there was one thing surprising that was said in the post script message at the end of the credits, that the movie was made 5 years ago and no big studio in Hollywood would release it. That speaks volumes about the people who run the entertainment business, but that isn't overly shocking either.
I'm sure there are those who would like to see public executions of perpetrators of child sex slavery; the actual users as well the purveyors of the "services" who make the money off of it. However, that would be a short-term high of justice because deep down, once a person gets past the evil all consuming narcissism of such people, many of these humans have a desire for self destruction because they have bought into the EVIL LIE that they are beyond any hope of God's love. The almost instantaneous ending by a well placed bullet or jolt of a rope, much less going to sleep before a lethal injection, would give these people their wished for final self destruction without much pain. It would be much better if they would die in a prison cell after many years of having their freedom taken away from them. And have the seemingly small chance that they may actually find spiritual redemption through the never ending power of God."
"And God said, Let us make man in our image �and let them have dominion �and all the creatures that move along the ground". Genesis 1:26
Re: Sound of freedom
[Re: Blaine County]
07/16/23 10:54 PM
07/16/23 10:54 PM
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Giant Sage
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I don't know if they are truly drinking the blood of children but it is a fact that kids are being sold into sex slavery and also for their organs. There was a child trafficker busted in Poland who was buying Ukrainian kids, he sang like a jaybird. Different issue. I agree there are a lot of scumbags that do awful things to kids. But, Bill Gates is not slurping on kid blood.  ^^^
Re: Sound of freedom
[Re: victor#0]
07/17/23 06:34 AM
07/17/23 06:34 AM
J Staton
J Staton
I saw this movie Saturday and it both saddens and angers you. Keep your children and grandchildren close, evil abounds.
Re: Sound of freedom
[Re: victor#0]
07/17/23 11:31 AM
07/17/23 11:31 AM
Joined: Dec 2006
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Tried to go to the showing yesterday. There were no seats available; sold out. Will try later in the week.
My doctor suggested I start doing squats, so I moved all the beer to the bottom shelf of my fridge.