I thought I would share that I'm on the final countdown of trapping at least one specimen of every furbearer that's legal to take in the United States. With my mountain lion caught this fall, I'm down to coati. I had to cancel a trip in early 2024 and reschedule it for November and December 2024 for my run at a coati. Because of the mess at the border, I'm heading to my third-choice spot. I did actually see some coati where I'll be headed, so I know they are there for the catching and to fill my one per year limit.
I usually don't post too much as I get turned off by all the "look at me" posts. Ya... I know I'm an old curmudgeon.
Although I've posted about this before, (look at me) I got my list of 33 from the book "Wild Furbearer Management and Conservation" that was issued out of Ontario in the late 1980's. There are other furbearers listed in the book, but there are not any open seasons or legal trapping methods allowed. Examples are black footed ferret, ocelot and jaguar. Here's what I've lucked into so far: mountain lion, lynx, bobcat, wolf, coyote, red, grey, swift, kit & arctic fox, stripe, eastern spotted, western spotted, hooded & hog nosed skunks, least, short tail & longtail weasels, wolverine, fisher, marten, otter, badger, mink, red squirrel, muskrat, nutria, beaver, coon, ringtail, possum and black bear. I think that's 32? Took me about 49 seasons and 13 states to get me to this point and an understanding wife.
I'll post pictures when I complete my goal and get everything back from the taxidermist. I get one of everything preserved for display. I know I spend more on taxidermy than I do catching the critters.
If anyone has any coati advice, please share!
Tight chains,
Jim Palmer