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Add my name to the watching list it's a sad deal Stetson Wright had to draw out during to injury .
There's quite a few contestants from Montana Haven Meged in the calf roping needs to do as his wife did in the breakaway roping and win the world championship !
My grandson is there bull riding in the jr. finals.
Congrats and wish him well. I am still holding out for Lefty Holma to win the bronc riding but both of Rods sons travel with Layton Green and Ben Anderson so that alone makes it a tough row to hoe. There is more talent is this crop of young bronc riders than i have ever seen before!
Im not a big Rocker Steiner fan but as far as I an concerned he could have been 98 last night. He earned it. He is so small framed he shows of a rank horse almost as well as Will Lowe could back in the day.
�What�s good for me may not be good for the weak minded.� Captain Gus McCrae- Texas Rangers
My grandson is there bull riding in the jr. finals.
Congrats and wish him well. I am still holding out for Lefty Holma to win the bronc riding but both of Rods sons travel with Layton Green and Ben Anderson so that alone makes it a tough row to hoe. There is more talent is this crop of young bronc riders than i have ever seen before!
Im not a big Rocker Steiner fan but as far as I an concerned he could have been 98 last night. He earned it. He is so small framed he shows of a rank horse almost as well as Will Lowe could back in the day.
Steiner is certainly doing everything right at just the right time! The kid makes it look easy. And its too bad about that Wright boy's injury. You could tell right away on his bronc last night that you just can't ride with essentially one leg.
Timing is good for Stiener I agree. Jesse Pope took the year to haul his little brother Ty and is way down the standings so there is a big void and it needs filled. I raised my own son hauling with the Pope boys and I have always predicted that Ty would be even better than Jesse.
To Jesse's credit he has raised that bar ridiculously high. If we can more or less agree that winning the average at the NFR in the bareback riding is the biggest endurance tests there has ever been, then how do you one up the guy that has done it back to back to back plus win a gold buckle? Jesse is a dam machine.
�What�s good for me may not be good for the weak minded.� Captain Gus McCrae- Texas Rangers
I’m glad Stetson pulled out, he probably should have before round 1. He has nothing to prove to anyone, and once he’s healthy, he’ll be back doing his thing as good as ever. The young competition in both the bareback and saddle bronc is unreal and completely stacked. Marlin, you hit the nail on the head when it comes to Rocker; I have flashbacks of Will Lowe 20 years ago every time I see him ride. While the draw is always important, I can’t recall it having as much affect as it has the last 2 years. Tim O’Connell and Sage Newman the last 2 years seem like they can’t get a draw that suits them best. Part of the deal though. Looking forward to 8 more rounds!
Stiener is a punk and i hope he gets the same treatment as he did in Reno. For what ever reason people and judgesthink he is something special, couple of other rides last night were just as good.
Stetson is a class act glad to see him make the tuff choice for his health.
Lots of good watchin but here are the highlights. Outlaw99 there is a kid who goes by Tunah22 on YouTube that uploads video of the best perfs of SB riding all yr. Good stuff.
�What�s good for me may not be good for the weak minded.� Captain Gus McCrae- Texas Rangers
Thanks Marlin!! I’ll check it out. Saddle bronc was wild last night. I thought for sure Ryder had it wrapped up, then Sage got tapped off; incredible performances by riders and horses last night
What a pen of eliminators in the saddle bronc last night! Some really fun horses to watch buck! That young fellas that’s been leading the world all year in bareback has been back in the money the last couple nights; he’s got a pretty big lead. I hope he can stay focused and finish what he started. Young Rocker hasn’t rocked it so hot the last 2 nights. Any of you you remember when his dad won the world back in the late 90’s I think? I’ll never forget, leather pants, silk shirts, hair in dreads…..looked like an escape professional wrestler! He sure could bulldog though. Ky Hamilton is on a tear in the bull riding. Both he and Sage had great rides on those eliminator bulls last night. Hard to believe we’re already at round 5
Oh I remember his dad. You are right he actually dressed worse than Fallon Taylor. He was an embarrassment.
Sage has doing everything for a couple of years now, it might be his time and his dues are paid. Same for Ky Hamilton. Like all of the Australian bull riders he is gritty and focused. Usually you say that about guys who try hard but didn't wipe up in the talent department but Hamilton a truck load of that too.
�What�s good for me may not be good for the weak minded.� Captain Gus McCrae- Texas Rangers