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Beef Bait Pile - Yay or Nay? #8059181
01/24/24 03:49 PM
01/24/24 03:49 PM
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stitchit Offline OP
stitchit  Offline OP

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I am trying to draw in coyotes. My local butcher no longer has venison scraps but has a bunch of beef scraps. Has anyone ever tried beef? I know that sounds like an odd question, but hoping to get it out as soon as possible depending on your experiences.

Thanks in advance!!

Last edited by stitchit; 01/24/24 05:47 PM.
Re: Beef Bait Pile - Yay or Nay? [Re: stitchit] #8059285
01/24/24 05:51 PM
01/24/24 05:51 PM
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james bay frontierOnt.
Boco Offline
Boco  Offline

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james bay frontierOnt.
I can tell you that beef scraps are deadly marten bait.
I dont doubt that beef butcher scraps would work good as bait for canines.

Forget that fear of gravity-get a little savagery in your life.
Re: Beef Bait Pile - Yay or Nay? [Re: Boco] #8059306
01/24/24 06:21 PM
01/24/24 06:21 PM
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stitchit Offline OP
stitchit  Offline OP

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Thank you!

Re: Beef Bait Pile - Yay or Nay? [Re: stitchit] #8059430
01/24/24 08:24 PM
01/24/24 08:24 PM
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maurob Offline
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[Linked Image]
Look behind the coyote

Re: Beef Bait Pile - Yay or Nay? [Re: maurob] #8059461
01/24/24 08:49 PM
01/24/24 08:49 PM
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stitchit Offline OP
stitchit  Offline OP

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Now that’s what I call proof! Thank you!

Re: Beef Bait Pile - Yay or Nay? [Re: stitchit] #8059485
01/24/24 09:11 PM
01/24/24 09:11 PM
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bearcat2 Offline
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I've used them for wolves before, never had the wolves eat them, but the coyotes certainly did.

Re: Beef Bait Pile - Yay or Nay? [Re: stitchit] #8059526
01/24/24 09:58 PM
01/24/24 09:58 PM
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LT GREY Offline
LT GREY  Offline

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They work !!!!!!!!!
Stop wasting time.

Now, repeat after me
"If you build it, they will come "

Re: Beef Bait Pile - Yay or Nay? [Re: stitchit] #8059629
01/25/24 06:17 AM
01/25/24 06:17 AM
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The large coyote catches you see and hear about are almost all taken at animal (cattle) graveyards. The more meat the better here and I see no difference there. You may set up a schedule with the butcher to take the scraps on a regular basis and use a wire container (barrel shaped) in the field so, when they (canines) find it, they don't cart it all off in 1-2 visits....................................................... the mike

Re: Beef Bait Pile - Yay or Nay? [Re: stitchit] #8059648
01/25/24 07:07 AM
01/25/24 07:07 AM
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Boone Liane Offline
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Any baits better than no bait (mostly).

Re: Beef Bait Pile - Yay or Nay? [Re: stitchit] #8060054
01/25/24 07:13 PM
01/25/24 07:13 PM
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backroadsarcher Offline
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Put it out and try it. I sure think it would work..

Re: Beef Bait Pile - Yay or Nay? [Re: stitchit] #8060353
01/26/24 12:25 AM
01/26/24 12:25 AM
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bctomcat Offline
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Beef bait for coyotes works great unless it has been medicated immediately before it expired.

The only constant in trapping is change so keep learning.

Re: Beef Bait Pile - Yay or Nay? [Re: bctomcat] #8060481
01/26/24 07:26 AM
01/26/24 07:26 AM
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Originally Posted by bctomcat
Beef bait for coyotes works great unless it has been medicated immediately before it expired.

I’m thinking that why we never had luck with the parts of livestock we can use. The birds wouldn’t even touch some of them. If the birds ain’t on it, it’s kinda useless to me. I don’t need canines to hit the bait, just to hang around the area at a “safe” distance is fine. The birds being my visual/audio attraction. Untreated “old school” farm livestock are probably great.

Wind Blew, crap flew, out came the line crew
Re: Beef Bait Pile - Yay or Nay? [Re: stitchit] #8060997
01/26/24 06:20 PM
01/26/24 06:20 PM
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Dstone1992 Offline
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Yessir usually has some good I put on this topic. It's hit or miss for me. They engulf some and never touch others. I talking whole cows or calves. Scraps might be a whole different ball game. Ive seen whole deer that never get touched but I don't know of any butched carcasses that I've watched that didn't get hit. Then there's the eastern vs western coyotes having different tendency. Where i am in mo coyotes rarely prey on calves but go to west or south west states and things change.

Re: Beef Bait Pile - Yay or Nay? [Re: Wife] #8061091
01/26/24 07:29 PM
01/26/24 07:29 PM
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Lazarus Offline
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Originally Posted by Wife
The large coyote catches you see and hear about are almost all taken at animal (cattle) graveyards. The more meat the better here and I see no difference there. You may set up a schedule with the butcher to take the scraps on a regular basis and use a wire container (barrel shaped) in the field so, when they (canines) find it, they don't cart it all off in 1-2 visits....................................................... the mike


Re: Beef Bait Pile - Yay or Nay? [Re: stitchit] #8061098
01/26/24 07:35 PM
01/26/24 07:35 PM
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Yes sir Offline
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The difference between a dead cow and scraps from a butcher shop is the amount of edibles. Coyotes can't digest raw fat. I doubt at today's beef prices there's much red meat in those scraps as even the trimmings can be ground. There will be some intrest as it represents potential food but every coyote within 5 miles isn't going to camp on it like they would a carcass.

Re: Beef Bait Pile - Yay or Nay? [Re: Yes sir] #8061106
01/26/24 07:40 PM
01/26/24 07:40 PM
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Lazarus Offline
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Originally Posted by Yes sir
The difference between a dead cow and scraps from a butcher shop is the amount of edibles. Coyotes can't digest raw fat. I doubt at today's beef prices there's much red meat in those scraps as even the trimmings can be ground. There will be some intrest as it represents potential food but every coyote within 5 miles isn't going to camp on it like they would a carcass.

While that may be true, the advantage to a pile of scraps is that coyotes can pack them off. They aren't required to stand around in the same spot and be nervous. They will run in, snatch a mouthful and run off to eat it, then return for more.

I have a friend who trapped A TON of coyotes with nothing but beef scraps. I have a picture from his line with 7 coyotes standing around in traps. He had lots of 3-4-5 at a time checks. Plus, you can set the spots you want in clusters, rather than spreading traps over a hundred miles of country.

Re: Beef Bait Pile - Yay or Nay? [Re: bctomcat] #8061108
01/26/24 07:41 PM
01/26/24 07:41 PM
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Marion Kansas
Yes sir Offline
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Originally Posted by bctomcat
Beef bait for coyotes works great unless it has been medicated immediately before it expired.

Not true or at least here anyway. I've seen coyotes feast on a dead treated animal I personally treated when there's a dead within 200 or 300 yds that hadn't been treated and left untouched on several occasions

Re: Beef Bait Pile - Yay or Nay? [Re: Lazarus] #8061113
01/26/24 07:46 PM
01/26/24 07:46 PM
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Marion Kansas
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Originally Posted by Lazarus
Originally Posted by Yes sir
The difference between a dead cow and scraps from a butcher shop is the amount of edibles. Coyotes can't digest raw fat. I doubt at today's beef prices there's much red meat in those scraps as even the trimmings can be ground. There will be some intrest as it represents potential food but every coyote within 5 miles isn't going to camp on it like they would a carcass.

While that may be true, the advantage to a pile of scraps is that coyotes can pack them off. They aren't required to stand around in the same spot and be nervous. They will run in, snatch a mouthful and run off to eat it, then return for more.

I have a friend who trapped A TON of coyotes with nothing but beef scraps. I have a picture from his line with 7 coyotes standing around in traps. He had lots of 3-4-5 at a time checks. Plus, you can set the spots you want in clusters, rather than spreading traps over a hundred miles of country.

Valid point and obviously the level of hunger/available food plays a big role in the attraction. I've had deads I caught lots of coyotes off of and I've had deads that I caught no more coyotes than what I would if the carcass hadn't been there. My point was that scraps are going to have less attraction than a whole carcass

Re: Beef Bait Pile - Yay or Nay? [Re: stitchit] #8061149
01/26/24 08:12 PM
01/26/24 08:12 PM
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Boone Liane Offline
Boone Liane  Offline

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I’ve noticed livestock, beef mainly, is very hit or miss.

One will hold and bring coyotes in from far and wide until it’s gone. The the next will go untouched and melt away.

But deer, if a deer doesn’t get hit, it’s because there’s nobody there to hit it.

Re: Beef Bait Pile - Yay or Nay? [Re: Boone Liane] #8061168
01/26/24 08:33 PM
01/26/24 08:33 PM
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Yes sir Offline
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Originally Posted by Boone Liane
I’ve noticed livestock, beef mainly, is very hit or miss.

One will hold and bring coyotes in from far and wide until it’s gone. The the next will go untouched and melt away.

But deer, if a deer doesn’t get hit, it’s because there’s nobody there to hit it.

I agree. I did see one unusual case last year about this time of year. A young buck got hung up while jumping a fence. This was a fence were we winter cows so I drive by it everyday. Someone drove by and saw it struggling so they called the sheriff. A deputy came out and shot it and tried to get it out of fence but couldn't. My boss tried the next morning to get it out of fence and couldn't, so that afternoon I took a saw and cut it out of fence. I drove by that deer every day and it took 3 or 4 weeks for the coyotes to touch it. It was mostly gone in one night once they hit it, but they were dragging the bones and scraps around for another 2 weeks. It's beside a pasture we calve 200 cows in and it's a coyote magnet this time of year. Never not seen coyote tracks on that road first night of a fresh snow. No snow while the deer was there but did see fresh droppings on that road numerous times while deer was there untouched. With coyotes there's always the exception. In the end they ate it but it took them quite awhile before they got brave enough to. Only thing I can come up with was they smelled me there the first few days and were that scared of me. grin

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