It was my second year there and it is by far the best event for trapping you can go to. Just knowledgeable trappers passing on information.
Ditto ten times.
I was blown away that a single family (albeit with lots of help) could put on event that rivals any state or regional event I've ever been to. The demo line up was outstanding. Information was definitely top shelf stuff -- it read like a "Who's Who" of first rate trappers: Phil Brown, Boone Liane, John Graham, John Barnum (aka Bufflolobo), Allan Olson (who is also a Hall of Fame bull fighter), and on and on. I took a ton of pictures but only have time for a few here.
John Barnum's demo was one of the highlights for me. I've always admired his cats and his put up so I knew I was going to learn a lot, and I wasn't disappointed. I've already started re-thinking my sets and how to better trap edges because of his demo.
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Another guy I really wanted to meet was Boone Liane. One of those no-nonsense guys I could listen to all day. I added a couple of coyote trapping tricks to the bag because of his demo -- and added another dozen or so because of my conversations with him.
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Brandy James from Oregon did an outstanding job on a bear-lion trapping-snaring demo. Fascinating stuff and he knows cats really well.
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I know a lot of guys missed Bill Ilchik (who was absent due to a medical issue) but his demo partner Joel Blakeslee did a great job. Joel has forgotten more than I'll ever know so whenever he talks trapping I try to shut up and absorb.
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In addition to the non-stop demos, there was an all you can eat walleye & crawdad fish fry on Friday night courtesy of Tom Pindall (aka Cattrax) and Steve49er (I never got his full name, I just knew him as Steve from "Minnesooooooooota") and others. I would have driven from Vegas to Lusk just for the fresh walleye. It was outstanding.
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If you weren't spoiled by the fresh walleye on Friday, the Saturday night steak dinner was to die for. It was honestly one of the most tender and tasty steaks I'd ever experienced. There was fur fashion show afterwards with a host of pretty ladies wearing a variety of home grown fur. We also had a huge raffle with proceeds going to a scholarship fund.
Just when I thought the night couldn't get any better, John Graham lined up all the demo-givers and gave us all an outstanding belt buckle custom made by Montana Silversmiths.
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How do you match that?
I really have to hand it to John and his entire family and crew. I'm sure John and Nicole and their family stressed for months to pull off something like that but I'm telling you, no detail was overlooked, there were no politics or drama (other than the beating a certain lawyer took during the Friday night round table), and everything was first class from start to finish. In all the excitement and trying to keep up with all the events, I only got one picture of John Graham but fortunately I got his best side.
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I've always admired John's abilities as a trapper and a speaker, but his organization skills are obviously top notch. Thanks to the Grahams, their family and crew for a weekend that I will remember with fondness for the rest of my life.