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How Do You Ask #8204102
08/27/24 08:40 AM
08/27/24 08:40 AM
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Eastern Shore of Maryland
HobbieTrapper Offline OP
"Chippendale Trapper"
HobbieTrapper  Offline OP
"Chippendale Trapper"

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Eastern Shore of Maryland
If someone that has passed was saved and should that have any influence on participating in their being laid to rest?

Re: How Do You Ask [Re: HobbieTrapper] #8204108
08/27/24 08:52 AM
08/27/24 08:52 AM
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Nebraska, Dawson County
chas3457 Offline
chas3457  Offline

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You don't ask, and if you care about the deceased or the family, you go and show your support.

Just how I roll.


Old age and treachery will always overcome youth and enthusiasm.

NRA Life Member ~ GOA Member ~ NFOA Member ~ UNMLA Member
Re: How Do You Ask [Re: HobbieTrapper] #8204112
08/27/24 09:01 AM
08/27/24 09:01 AM
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HobbieTrapper Offline OP
"Chippendale Trapper"
HobbieTrapper  Offline OP
"Chippendale Trapper"

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Eastern Shore of Maryland
Yeah, I figured. Doesn’t help with picking out a song though.

Re: How Do You Ask [Re: HobbieTrapper] #8204113
08/27/24 09:02 AM
08/27/24 09:02 AM
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Central Oregon
AntiGov Offline
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Nothing you can do now anyways

The Vink for chief moderator....night shift ...11pm- 5am best coast time zone.....Free Marty

Re: How Do You Ask [Re: HobbieTrapper] #8204114
08/27/24 09:04 AM
08/27/24 09:04 AM
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Central Oregon
AntiGov Offline
AntiGov  Offline

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You could do a " heaven or He ll " song

The Vink for chief moderator....night shift ...11pm- 5am best coast time zone.....Free Marty

Re: How Do You Ask [Re: HobbieTrapper] #8204118
08/27/24 09:21 AM
08/27/24 09:21 AM
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HobbieTrapper Offline OP
"Chippendale Trapper"
HobbieTrapper  Offline OP
"Chippendale Trapper"

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Eastern Shore of Maryland
I can’t help but feel like he would prefer a rendition of SRV’s “Life Without You” over “Amazing Grace”.

Re: How Do You Ask [Re: HobbieTrapper] #8204149
08/27/24 10:13 AM
08/27/24 10:13 AM
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MN, Land of 10,000 Lakes
Trapper7 Offline
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Only God knows the heart of a person.
I've heard it said, when you get to heaven you might be surprised at some of the people who are there and some of the ones who aren't.

My doctor suggested I start doing squats, so I moved all the beer to the bottom shelf of my fridge.
Re: How Do You Ask [Re: HobbieTrapper] #8204156
08/27/24 10:28 AM
08/27/24 10:28 AM
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waggler Offline
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I've been to one or two funerals where an appropriate song my have been one off of an AC/DC album. Fortunately they didn't ask me to pick songs.

"My life is better than your vacation"
Re: How Do You Ask [Re: HobbieTrapper] #8204157
08/27/24 10:33 AM
08/27/24 10:33 AM
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Guss Offline
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Play hwy to (This word is unacceptable on Trapperman) reL loud.

Re: How Do You Ask [Re: HobbieTrapper] #8204161
08/27/24 10:42 AM
08/27/24 10:42 AM
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Golf ball Offline
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I quit going to church in my 30’s . Not because I quit God , but because I started noticing the people . The people that were ushers, the nuns the lector’s, they were all people of the community that would be the first to drive past me changing a flat tire along the road. The same people that would get stuck in the snow and when you shoveled and pushed them out they didn’t have the common curtesy to say thank you , or even roll the window down and give a wave as they left you standing there. Worse yet were the business men that were well off and yet 2 or 3 times a year would give someone a good thrashing on a money deal. I really got to thinking they were all there to ease a guilty conscious and give a false impression to those not paying attention. So what I’m saying is don’t assume because I don’t go to church that I don’t like rock of ages or amazing grace “ one of my all time favorite’s “ , I’m just not churchy .

All that being said , when I go you can pick anything but heavy metal to play at my going away party. I won’t care but I don’t know anyone that likes that crap, lol !

Last edited by Golf ball; 08/27/24 10:49 AM.
Re: How Do You Ask [Re: HobbieTrapper] #8204167
08/27/24 10:56 AM
08/27/24 10:56 AM
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T-Rex Offline
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You have a good reason to know if you are performing at the service. Simply sit down with the family, and non-judgmentally, ask.

Man who mistake shillelagh for fairy wand; see pixie dust, also.
Re: How Do You Ask [Re: HobbieTrapper] #8204187
08/27/24 11:39 AM
08/27/24 11:39 AM
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Oh Snap Offline
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Originally Posted by HobbieTrapper
If someone that has passed was saved and should that have any influence on participating in their being laid to rest?

Wrong time to ask that question but not to help the ones left!

I love the smell of burning spruce---I love the sound of a spring time goose---I love the feel of 40 below---from my trapline I will never go!
Re: How Do You Ask [Re: HobbieTrapper] #8204206
08/27/24 12:11 PM
08/27/24 12:11 PM
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Eastern Shore of Maryland
HobbieTrapper Offline OP
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HobbieTrapper  Offline OP
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Eastern Shore of Maryland
That’s a good point, gonna be a few heathens there, don’t want to miss an opportunity to convert. Better go with a message song.

Re: How Do You Ask [Re: HobbieTrapper] #8204215
08/27/24 12:28 PM
08/27/24 12:28 PM
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hippie Offline
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Some things are better left unsaid/asked.

There comes a point liberalism has gone too far, we're past that point.
Re: How Do You Ask [Re: HobbieTrapper] #8204292
08/27/24 03:24 PM
08/27/24 03:24 PM
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Vinke Offline
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I have my funeral corographed .
All the music, food and the taste beverages to be served.
I want a celebration of life, not a morning of death.
Thinking about getting cremated and made into a diamond.
That way the kids could take me hunting and fishing until they lose me....again

Ant Man/ Marty 2028
just put your ear to the ground , and follow along

Re: How Do You Ask [Re: HobbieTrapper] #8204302
08/27/24 03:40 PM
08/27/24 03:40 PM
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Bigbrownie Offline
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I worked with a guy who was killed in a roof fall in the mine. He was 35, and, let’s say, he was pretty unrestrained in how he lived. But he was a good guy.

At the funeral home, everyone was seated, waiting for the service to start. Suddenly, a saxophone starts wailing over the sound system, playing Bob Seger….On The Road Again.

It was kinda fitting. Every time I hear that song, twenty years later, I think about him.

Re: How Do You Ask [Re: Golf ball] #8204303
08/27/24 03:41 PM
08/27/24 03:41 PM
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nightlife Offline
nightlife  Offline

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Originally Posted by chas3457
You don't ask, and if you care about the deceased or the family, you go and show your support.

Just how I roll.


Originally Posted by Golf ball
I quit going to church in my 30’s . Not because I quit God , but because I started noticing the people . The people that were ushers, the nuns the lector’s, they were all people of the community that would be the first to drive past me changing a flat tire along the road. The same people that would get stuck in the snow and when you shoveled and pushed them out they didn’t have the common curtesy to say thank you , or even roll the window down and give a wave as they left you standing there. Worse yet were the business men that were well off and yet 2 or 3 times a year would give someone a good thrashing on a money deal. I really got to thinking they were all there to ease a guilty conscious and give a false impression to those not paying attention. So what I’m saying is don’t assume because I don’t go to church that I don’t like rock of ages or amazing grace “ one of my all time favorite’s “ , I’m just not churchy .

All that being said , when I go you can pick anything but heavy metal to play at my going away party. I won’t care but I don’t know anyone that likes that crap, lol !

I have left word that when my time comes the song to play is I did it
My way

Plane and simple anything else is up to them

�Everything in excess! To enjoy the flavor of life, take big bites. Moderation is for monks.�
― Robert A. Heinlein
Re: How Do You Ask [Re: HobbieTrapper] #8204330
08/27/24 04:40 PM
08/27/24 04:40 PM
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Champaign County, Ohio.
KeithC Offline
KeithC  Offline

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I would just ask the family what music they would like performed out of the songs available on your playlist that you provide them.


Re: How Do You Ask [Re: KeithC] #8204333
08/27/24 04:57 PM
08/27/24 04:57 PM
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QuietButDeadly Offline
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Originally Posted by KeithC
I would just ask the family what music they would like performed out of the songs available on your playlist that you provide them.



Member: FTA
Re: How Do You Ask [Re: HobbieTrapper] #8204355
08/27/24 05:46 PM
08/27/24 05:46 PM
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Claypool313 Offline
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Saved from what?

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