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Severe clear, no smoke, frost this morning. It's time for another "small grins" thread. What makes you have small grins - feel good small things?
1. old, familiar tune on radio 2. happy, exuberant dog 3. smell of Hoppe's #9 4. wife in adjoining room singing with radio 5. taste of cold, sweet, water 6. email from old friend you haven't heard from for awhile 7. slight whiff of skunk in the air 8. muskrat lure 9. rod tip wiggling 10. sound of chukars chuckling
Books for sale on Amazon, Barnes & Noble etc. Poetic Injustice The Last Hunt Wild Life Long Way Home
Re: Again, little pleasures
[Re: Gulo]
#8220329 09/21/2411:09 AM09/21/2411:09 AM
The northern lights Colourful leaves in all shades glowing The smell of gunpowder in clear cool air Good sweet mountain water The mountain peaks with new snow The stars A warm fire in the woodstove A warm smile The sound of a Huey approaching The soft fur of my rabbits The Aurora ripples of my rifle stock in the sun
A good loyal dog. Cool damp morning (With a slight skunk smell) Seeing wildlife if I’m perusing it or not. Humming birds/ wrens nesting in my buildings Treestand time is never wasted Old trucks Archery hunting
Was born in a Big City Will die in the Country OK with that!
Jerry Herbst
Re: Again, little pleasures
[Re: Gulo]
#8220381 09/21/2412:28 PM09/21/2412:28 PM
Grandchildren. The smell of fall. Watching bats flying at dusk. A kingfishers chatter as it flies by. Identifying an aircraft type by sound before sight. The moment of discovery while deer hunting.
Re: Again, little pleasures
[Re: Gulo]
#8220384 09/21/2412:34 PM09/21/2412:34 PM
A little kid wearing a hoodie with mouse ears on the top Women and girls jogging with a pony tail stuck thru the back of a ball cap swishing back and forth A Beagle puppy, all feet and ears, and wiggles and waggles Frost flowers
Every kid needs a Dog and a Curmudgeon.
Remember Bowe Bergdahl, the traitor.
Beware! Jill Pudlewski, Ron Oates and Keven Begesse are liars and thiefs!
Re: Again, little pleasures
[Re: Gulo]
#8220413 09/21/2401:06 PM09/21/2401:06 PM
Seeing a wolf a few seconds behind a fawn pop out in front of me 20yds away, wolf pausing to look and grin at me before it carried on after its meal made me kinda grin. Mother natures ballet…goes on.
Last edited by Shakeyjake; 09/21/2401:15 PM.
Wind Blew, crap flew, out came the line crew
Re: Again, little pleasures
[Re: Gulo]
#8220423 09/21/2401:26 PM09/21/2401:26 PM
These posts! Petting a dog. The smell of coffee early in the morning. Conversations with a good friend. Squirrels cutting hickory nuts. Feeding the ducks and fish in our backyard pond each evening. Learning new things.
Just give me one thing, that I can hold on to. To believe in this livin' is just a hard way to go.
Re: Again, little pleasures
[Re: Gulo]
#8220461 09/21/2402:39 PM09/21/2402:39 PM
Pheasent roosters cackling Dewy sun rise mornings Alfalfa waving in the wind in just before dawn Color changes of fall in the high country Watching the mule deer feeding along the side hills Grandma grandpa dancing in the kitchen with 2 year old granddaughter what a privilege
Give me a fish, I will eat for a day. Teach me to fish, I will eat for a lifetime