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All the elders of the family coming together and celebrating Christmas. My parents, grand parents, aunts and uncles are all gone now. I think I'm the oldest of the clan now. Just doesn't seem the same as it did "back then."
Member NTA, MTPCA, FTA, NRA, MUCC 2 Cor. 5:17
Re: What do you miss about Christmas?
[Re: KeithC]
#8291586 12/23/2409:02 PM12/23/2409:02 PM
I miss the anticipation and the surprises. There were some disappointments also, but that was part of Christmas. I never got everything.
Yep. Dreading the one hour in church playing in the Christmas play, but anticipating what came right after. Walking down the stage and each kid getting his bag of old stale peanuts was the sign that you had survived another year as playing one of the wisemen. Then it’s hom, party, presants and up all night. My kids are older now, but I bought them all the stuff I never got, big die cast tractors, huge Lego sets, mini quads…..they’re really gifts for me too. I don’t miss this cause I watch it every year….
Wind Blew, crap flew, out came the line crew
Re: What do you miss about Christmas?
[Re: nate]
#8291591 12/23/2409:12 PM12/23/2409:12 PM
The great big family gathering , big awesome meal, and all the littles enjoying opening their presents. Now all the littles , are grown and have their own family gatherings.
We have met the enemy and the enemy is us!
Re: What do you miss about Christmas?
[Re: KeithC]
#8291824 12/24/2405:46 AM12/24/2405:46 AM
Agree with others - deceased family members and just sitting around talking with them. No cell phones to get in the way of interacting with real people. The food made by the old generation from scratch with love.
Fond memories of playing with all the relatives and neighbors until your face hurt from being cold and then coming in sitting around a blazing fire drinking hot chocolate.
Author of The Lure Hunter: A Guide to Finding Fishing Lures
Re: What do you miss about Christmas?
[Re: KeithC]
#8291835 12/24/2406:26 AM12/24/2406:26 AM
We will miss our youngest daughter and her family for the 3rd year in a row not coming over on Christmas day. They decided to stay home by themselves again. This year is a little tougher, they told their little boys there is no Santa Claus. 2 and 5 years old
Re: What do you miss about Christmas?
[Re: KeithC]
#8291837 12/24/2406:31 AM12/24/2406:31 AM
Yea the lack of my grandparents is a real kick in the gut. We used to have Christmas with both sets of grandparents individually and they were big family gatherings. I am really over the whole present thing. The little ones get way more presents than they need, half of the stuff is left on the living room floor once they pick the 2 or 3 things they want from the giant pile they amass. Adults just generally get things they can add to a storage closet somewhere probably to never be worn or used.
Re: What do you miss about Christmas?
[Re: KeithC]
#8292767 12/25/2412:09 AM12/25/2412:09 AM
My children are 4 and 7. I enjoy celebrating the birth of Jesus just as much as they do. We exchange gifts and talk about how we were all given the greatest gift, that being our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
I also enjoy the music and decorations. Oh, and Christmas cookies… we had family over tonight for our annual Christmas Eve dinner and cookie decorating.
Well, time for Santa to get to work putting gifts under the tree.
Hope y’all have a Merry Christmas.
Stop over cooking your meat! It isn’t gamey, it’s over cooked!
Gordon Ramsey, maybe…
Re: What do you miss about Christmas?
[Re: AntiGov]
#8292799 12/25/2401:12 AM12/25/2401:12 AM
I miss all 9 of my grandparents. Had 4 grandparents and 5 great grandparents. I miss those days and realized a long time ago how lucky I was to know and be loved by that many. No split families or divorces.
Everything the left touches it destroys
Re: What do you miss about Christmas?
[Re: KeithC]
#8292803 12/25/2401:15 AM12/25/2401:15 AM