I've been running a short line with my granddaughter over Christmas break. She's been trapping with me about ten years now.
She wants to continue running the line this year when she starts back to high school. After having off all week she had to go back to class today so we decided to do a test run to see if it would work once she started back full time on Monday.
We did some figuring starting with what time she had to be at school, how long it would take her to get ready and eat breakfast and how long it would take to run the line. We counted backwards and made a plan.
I picked her up at her house at 5:30 and we ran the line. We were joking about the possibility of catching four red fox on a day we were on a schedule after only catching one or two a day when we had all the time in the world.
First stop we had one. I dispatched it. She usually does but since we were in a hurry I did. The next stop was a walk-in because the fields are still too soft to drive on. I sent her in and she signaled we had another. I grabbed the kill stick, walked in and dispatched it. She carried it out and when we got back to the truck I dropped the tailgate and was surprised to see a very alive "dispatched" fox jumping around in there. I yelled, "live fox,"' she screamed, dropped the fox she was carrying and jumped into the cab of the truck. LOL
I put the tailgate back up and was going to grab my pistol but the fox jumped over the side and took off across the field we were parked beside. It was a nice fox too, a big, nicely furred male.
We ended up with three fox this morning but only brought one home. We were missing the one that escaped of course and the last one had mange.
The good news is that we made it back to my house, weighed and hung our catch in the fur shed and she was able to get cleaned up, change clothing, have a good breakfast of eggs and scrapple and I got her to school in plenty of time.
So it looks like the test run was successful and she will continue trapping with me the rest of the season.
I offered to skin the fox but she insists on coming here after school and skinning it. She enjoys skinning them and that's how she justifies getting half the fur check (she's the one making us money because she does all the skinning).