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I've watched some of Nick Shirley's videos since he was a softmore in high school, with his mom driving him to the interviews. Recently he has done some very good videos all over the US, Canada, Israel, Ukraine and more.
El Salvador seems to have a better prison system than we do now. Prisoners, who can be salvaged, are educated and taught skills, so they can become productive members of society when released. It builds their self worth so they are unlikely to reoffend.
They learn medical, business, sewing, construction, factory, farming, computer, phone, anger management skills and more. They get two days off their sentence for every day they work. They only eat, sleep, learn and work. They get no free time until they graduate to a less secure prison, where they get 1 hour a day, if they work well.
Unsalvagable prisoners are imprisoned for life.
We should do something similar.
Re: Better Prisons.
[Re: KeithC]
#8343313 02/16/2512:02 AM02/16/2512:02 AM
Nebraska doesn't have prisons..we have country clubs..a sister in law works in one and told me there are TVs in the cells now. Nebraska has 3 country clubs with prisoner capacity at 150% and just started construction on a 4th one in Lincoln. Nebraska...the good life.
Life ain't supposed to be easy.
Re: Better Prisons.
[Re: KeithC]
#8343479 02/16/2509:14 AM02/16/2509:14 AM
I have no intimate workings of our jail systems, but it seems that the prisoners have way too many rights. Prisons should be sweat shops to produce a product(s), that at a minimum, pays for their incarceration. You don’t work, you don’t eat. For those that don’t comply, then you go to the next level of whatever confinement, etc., until you’re broken mentally.
Watch some of the El Salvador prison documentaries that house the dangerous gangs. They line up like school kids when the guards call out. There’s a method to what they’re doing and I’d assume that our feelings first society would never allow those methods to take place.
Re: Better Prisons.
[Re: KeithC]
#8343482 02/16/2509:16 AM02/16/2509:16 AM
I have thought my entire adult life that people considered to dangerous to arm their self should not get out of prison or a mental hospital whichever the case may be.
Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)
Re: Better Prisons.
[Re: KeithC]
#8343546 02/16/2510:34 AM02/16/2510:34 AM
Two years ago Nebraska voters voted down "slave labor" they called it. Cannot make prisoners pick up trash along the highways. They do get free medical and dental, three hots and a cot.
Nebraska doesn't have prisons..we have country clubs..a sister in law works in one and told me there are TVs in the cells now. Nebraska has 3 country clubs with prisoner capacity at 150% and just started construction on a 4th one in Lincoln. Nebraska...the good life.
What??? Only 3 prisons for the whole state? Heck, I cover 3 in my area alone and picked up another 3, lol. I’ve spent weeks at a time in prisons and while it’s not hard labor, I’ve seen enough to know I don’t want to go. If I ever do I’m either gonna be Top Dog my first week or dead. No matter the emergency we DO NOT go afterhours or weekends unless specifically called by their OA’s. Murders happen every weekend in the prisons. Heck, stabbings happen daily. Recently a Warden got shanked even with the CERT team standing around him.
Basically prisons are just places to live with other criminals. They don’t have everyday comforts, but know how to create them. It’s like being in school again. I’d prefer to see them actually doing something productive.
So far, I’ve never felt “unsafe”. I have been a little nervous when working inside the dorms and the outside doors locked shut with no guard inside. But, never been threatened…yet. It seems they know or realize they can get more time added if they screw up.
YDC’s are the worst to work in. Those kids have NO RESPECT for anyone and know they can’t be touched. Told one kid I’m not part of the GDC and will beat them so bad their momma wouldn’t recognize them. One place we told the Warden we’d no longer go down range unless all “inmates” were put up and our company backed us. These kids will end up in the adult prisons eventually and it’s sad.
Some folks you just can’t rehabilitate. About the only inmates I have respect for are the firefighters. They actually “live” at the firehouse and KNOW how lucky they are. One guy had two more months before being released and already had a job with a neighboring county fire department.
Re: Better Prisons.
[Re: KeithC]
#8343620 02/16/2511:54 AM02/16/2511:54 AM
Walk through about any jail and see the condition it’s in, it’s a constant struggle to keep the inmates from destroying what little they have to wreck. Give them more and some will destroy more and the others will say nothing. It’s a totally different mindset than the real world.
Was born in a Big City Will die in the Country OK with that!
We need different/more forms of punishment. Our our options right now are to throw someone in cage, to take someone's money, and to watch them closely with the threat of throwing them in a cage if they mess up (probation). And that second choice-taking your money-if you don't pay up, you'll get thrown in a cage.
Blaine County is right. If made legal it would be cheap. Dope fiends would rapidly bring about their own demise. Since natural selection is so unpopular there needs to be a real war on drugs. Not just in other countries. Need to go after the U.S. cartels. Politicians, DEA agents, Judges, Cops, street gangs, all of them. Since the latter wont happen take the enormous profit out of it. Give addicts all they want for free. That wont happen either so we are going to just have the same thing. Execution wont fly in this country. I heard Trump talking about pressuring other countries to execute the traffickers and producers. We will see I guess.
Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)
Legalizing drugs and getting rid of private prisons would be a good start here in the US.
Yeah, just ask Oregon how well that has worked out.
You had a look at San Francisco lately?
If you are the poster child for libertarians, THANK GOD they have no political standing. Libertarians would win hands down in some elections, but like democrats are dumb enough to embrace men in women's sports, libertarians are dumb enough to embrace legalizing all drugs when it CLEARLY has never worked.
Shaking my head!!
How many lies will people believe before they realize their own idiocy?