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someone makes a battery powered welder that fits in a back pack and worked very well according to my cousin. He called excited to tell me about it. He was on a job and the boss told him what needed done . when he asked where the welders and lead were the boss pointed to the backpack and told him everything he needs was in there. He was like you have to be kidding but went with it.
It worked welded great and got the job done. No running several hundred foot of lead from the 9th floor to the ground to welding machines. My cousin is one of if not the best welder in the hall so if he says it's good and works you know it works. I think it was a stick machine. I can txt and ask him for more info if anyone is interested.
EDIT. he sent me this. Said it will run an 1/8 rod plugged in all day and unplug it and run a 3/32 with no power for about 30 min.
Typically I'm all for value, but it's usually cheaper to buy quality once than stuff that does not work and or breaks quickly. It may seem expensive for occasional personal use and if it's not something your making money with, use often, and can Wright off it probably is not for you. I would expect the battery replacement over the years will not be cheap either and we all know batteries don't last forever.
But for a professional use I thought it was really interesting and well worth the money. Just in time savings and labor alone not running hundreds of feet of lead thror a plant to make a few welds it would quickly pay for itself.
They've made lunchbox welders forever, I have a miller from sometime in the 80's that's the size of a 6 pack of beer. I've never actually struck an arc with it, I found it at a flea market for $75 and decided it might come in handy. It hasn't yet, I can run my mig machine off my generator for small stuff, and if I'm really in a rod burning mood I have a Lincoln ranger 250
I’ve been using one of these Hobart mig welders for smaller projects for close to 15 years and it’s been great. Hobart is a reputable company in the welding industry and for the money I really think it would be hard to beat. It plugs in to a 120 volt wall outlet and if you use the flux core wire you don’t need argon shield gas.
I have a Millermatic , just have to learn to use it better. Most of my welds look terrible, I used to work with guys that could put down the dimes. Not me