Re: Coons, 'coons and only 'coons. . .
06/24/12 08:24 PM
06/24/12 08:24 PM
Joined: Jan 2012
Doniphan, MO
Joined: Jan 2012
Doniphan, MO
I just spent the time and read the entire 39 pages of this post. I must say that I learned ALOT!!! One set that I haven't seen much mention of is what I call a "fish head" set. You can use any part of a fish, I just usually use the head of a small perch. I take a stick and put the fish head on one end and set it in the water about 18 inches from the bank leaned away from the bank. Put a stick or 2 on each side pointed towards the fish head. You want about a 8-10 inch opening between the guide sticks, place the trap offset a few inches about halfway between the bank and the fish stick. I run all my coon sets on 5 feet of chain with a 2 prong drag, driving a stake for drowners in many places on our creeks is somewhere between extremely difficult to impossible. It is faster than digging a pocket in our rocks and it seems to work great! If you are in a place where exposed bait is illegal you can take a few wet leaves and stick them on the end of the fish stick and cover the fish from air.
Givem a dirtnap
Re: Coons, 'coons and only 'coons. . .
[Re: 4trapr]
06/24/12 10:27 PM
06/24/12 10:27 PM
Joined: Apr 2011
Southern Ontario, Canada
Joined: Apr 2011
Southern Ontario, Canada
220 bucket sets: Bucket sets are generally used to target raccoon. For trapping coon, you can go with a water set or a land set. However, I have noticed that generally the younger coon like to hang around cricks. When I set pocket sets for muskrat, I rarely catch large coon, like I do with a bucket set. So there are two reasons to use a bucket set. 1) to increase coon catch numbers 2) to catch larger coon. The bucket set is also fast and easy, especially for a beginner. You will need several pieces of equipment. This includes (for each set): a 5 gallon round or square bucket(sq. ones work best) , a size 220 (if legal) or 160(if 220 is not legal) conibear, a short length of chain or cable, and a stake(at least 25” long). What brand of trap you use doesn’t matter. I like Duke just because they are cheap. Square buckets work better because they fit the shape of the bodygrip trap tighter. Coons love to reach between the trap and the bucket if there is room to do so, which will lead to misfires. In each bucket, you need to cut two notches for the conibear to sit in. They should be on the rim of the bcket directly across from each other. Cut ½ inch wide by 2 inches deep. Tin snips or a hacksaw works well with cutting buckets. You also need to drill two holes in each bucket, on the sides of the bucket close to the bottom, so you can stick a stake through them and then stake the bucket sideways to the ground. This will ensure it will be really stable. You can also run your trap chain or cable to this stake. Paint the buckets black or brown, just to disguise it from the passer-by. Next thing is location. Find the coon travel routes and set where two or more trails intersect. Find out where the coons go for food, water, and trees, and dens. Corn fields with tree lines running through them or corn/timber are good locations. Corn seems to do better than bean fields. Set 10 ft off of their trails. Since this is a baited set, they will come to you. So you don’t have to get right in their den. Just set along fairly used trails. If there is good enough sign to set one bucket, set another 10ft from that. For bait, dry cat food mixed with fish oil. (1 oz. shellfish oil / 16 oz fish oil). Mix it in a 5 gall bucket. You may also want to put a few drops of fish oil on a branch nearby. You should also pre-bait. That is why this set works so well. Take some of the same bait you use during trapping season and put out the buckets with bait, but no trap. Keep them baited about 3 times a week for about 2-3 weeks before season opens. That way, coons and possums will make it a habit to visit your set every night. Then you will catch many more coon that way. Trigger configuration is something that I have not figured out yet. It is hard to tell if one works better than others. Watch these videos closely and you will see that these coons like to reach between the trap and the bucket and pull food out, which leads to misfires. After watching my trail cam videos, I switched to square buckets and square plywood cubbies. The plywood cubbies I make fit the 220 perfectly, but they are bulky to haul around. I put a small block of wood under the front of them to raise the front of the cubby up about 4 inches. That way the coon doesnt have to lay on its belly to stick its head in and feels more compfortable. I have yet to figure out how to do this to plastic buckets though. Spend the $150 for a trail cam that takes video and learn for yourself. I know if there are coons visiting my sets or not before I even set a trap in front if the bucket / cubby. Yes, i did catch a coon here the next night, but thought i better not include the video of a kill. These coon do not just come once at night, they come all night long about every 2 hours or so and eat a little at a time until it is all gone. They are at the set all night. In the last video, the possum actually walks thru the 220, sits on the trap, and eats the bait. The trap was still set in the morning. He's the luckiest possum i've ever seen!!¤t=PICT0003.mp4¤t=PICT0015.mp4¤t=PICT0009.mp4 Problem is you need the 6 gal and or bigger buckets cause you have the trap fairly deep inside the bucket. I kinda had the same problems with the 5 gal. They are reaching in easily. You need a bait you can secure at the very back of the bucket. The corn ain't cutting it. Nice vids though. Post more if you have em. Looks like you had a duke that hit the coon on the foot and he was able to pull out, if it were a belisle and you had it staked down, you would of had it by the foot there next morning.
Re: Coons, 'coons and only 'coons. . .
[Re: 4trapr]
06/25/12 05:28 PM
06/25/12 05:28 PM
Joined: Apr 2011
Southern Ontario, Canada
Joined: Apr 2011
Southern Ontario, Canada
i try to only put the 220 in as far as it needs to be to be stabilized. a longer bucket would help though. the round bucket leaves lots of speace around the square trap for coons to reach in. with trail cameras, sooner or later a person can modify the set for optimum performance. this year im going to run my cameras at each set when i am prebaiting so if there is no coon action at a set before i even set a trap. I'm going to square 6 gal buckets...8 gal is the best though. A lot of folks complain on poor catch with black colour buckets...white has more appeal but it is also visible to two legged thieves.
Re: Coons, 'coons and only 'coons. . .
[Re: 4trapr]
06/27/12 09:41 AM
06/27/12 09:41 AM
Joined: Jun 2012
Joined: Jun 2012
i try to only put the 220 in as far as it needs to be to be stabilized. a longer bucket would help though. the round bucket leaves lots of speace around the square trap for coons to reach in. with trail cameras, sooner or later a person can modify the set for optimum performance. this year im going to run my cameras at each set when i am prebaiting so if there is no coon action at a set before i even set a trap. Guys I think you are forgetting one of the most important parts of the bucket set and that is the LID. A lid with a hole just big enough for a coon to squeeze in and he cant upset the trap and has to trip the trap to reach the bait in the back.  The slots cut for the trap springs are just wide enough to slide the springs in and deep enough to hold the trap un set. I have all my buckets set up this way and they always produce. No bait stealers or ever had a tripped trap. This is what I set when I have a coon that likes to dig up traps. NEVER failed me yet.
" Let us endeavor so to live, that when we come to die, even the undertaker will be sorry." Mark Twain
Re: Coons, 'coons and only 'coons. . .
06/28/12 07:49 AM
06/28/12 07:49 AM
Joined: Jun 2012
Joined: Jun 2012
Im gonna get a couple of these and see how they work in a round bucket Round conibear
Last edited by barrelsime; 06/28/12 07:52 AM.
" Let us endeavor so to live, that when we come to die, even the undertaker will be sorry." Mark Twain
Re: Coons, 'coons and only 'coons. . .
06/28/12 08:55 PM
06/28/12 08:55 PM
Joined: Jan 2012
Doniphan, MO
Joined: Jan 2012
Doniphan, MO
I got a couple of those round conibears to play with this year, I won't ever use them. They are a bear to set, you keep chasing the springs around the circle so you can get them where they belong. I am sure they have a place for some, but not for me.
Givem a dirtnap
Re: Coons, 'coons and only 'coons. . .
07/02/12 06:31 PM
07/02/12 06:31 PM
Joined: Jun 2012
Suffolk, VA
Joined: Jun 2012
Suffolk, VA
Newbie here but awesome site....glad to b here and learning as fast as I can.....couple questions....
-can I immediately reset the same location if the dispatch isn't as nice as i wish --is it true if I do reset....should I use a different trap?? --what is the best approach to a landowner to gain access??? son (13) will be learning as will I this season. We have plenty of critters and have been hunting them at night alot....just getting into the daylight thing to keep us where we love to be....Outdoors
2012/2013 Caught/Goal
66/50 Coon 14/40 Gray Fox 0/3 Red Fox 43/30 Beaver 0/2 Otter 0/2 Bobcat 17/20 coyote LOTS/0 Grinners (LOL) 1 skunk
Re: Coons, 'coons and only 'coons. . .
07/02/12 08:02 PM
07/02/12 08:02 PM
Joined: Jan 2012
Doniphan, MO
Joined: Jan 2012
Doniphan, MO
I always reset the same trap in the same trap bed. If I am setting on dry ground I will shovel what fluids I can out of the circle. If I am setting in the water, I always use drags so my animals aren't right at the set location usually so it isn't a problem. I usually approach landowners as a coyote trapper, they are usually VERY open to coyote removal in this part of the country. You can use studies that have been conducted on the effects coyotes have on deer and that will open a lot of hunting lease property. Just my 2 cents.
Givem a dirtnap
Re: Coons, 'coons and only 'coons. . .
[Re: PWC]
07/03/12 08:09 AM
07/03/12 08:09 AM
Joined: Apr 2007
Central Ohio
Joined: Apr 2007
Central Ohio
LT, It looks like you have two profiles of cage traps for coons. Do you build them yourself, or are they available retail somewhere? I have a guy in Cincinnati build two different ones for about $40. each. The solid pan /door ones were built by David Billman. I like those best, but a trapper over on my site, just sent me a news clip, that Mr. Billman (from Ohio) had been arrested and charged with a crime.... The other ones, I can get pretty easily. I get payed $50. in town to trap raccoons, so they are $$$ makers for me.
Re: Coons, 'coons and only 'coons. . .
[Re: barrelsime]
07/04/12 06:09 PM
07/04/12 06:09 PM
Joined: Apr 2011
Southern Ontario, Canada
Joined: Apr 2011
Southern Ontario, Canada
i try to only put the 220 in as far as it needs to be to be stabilized. a longer bucket would help though. the round bucket leaves lots of speace around the square trap for coons to reach in. with trail cameras, sooner or later a person can modify the set for optimum performance. this year im going to run my cameras at each set when i am prebaiting so if there is no coon action at a set before i even set a trap. Guys I think you are forgetting one of the most important parts of the bucket set and that is the LID. A lid with a hole just big enough for a coon to squeeze in and he cant upset the trap and has to trip the trap to reach the bait in the back.  The slots cut for the trap springs are just wide enough to slide the springs in and deep enough to hold the trap un set. I have all my buckets set up this way and they always produce. No bait stealers or ever had a tripped trap. This is what I set when I have a coon that likes to dig up traps. NEVER failed me yet. What diameter hole does that lid have there? also what size (in gallons) bucket are you using?
Re: Coons, 'coons and only 'coons. . .
07/04/12 10:02 PM
07/04/12 10:02 PM
Joined: Jun 2012
Joined: Jun 2012
The hole is 6 in. Just measure 3 inches each side of the center. Use the first hole you cut out as a pattern for the rest. Second pic is the slot for the springs. The trap cant be upset with springs in such a narrow slot.   The bucket is 5 gallon. Its not dog proof, but if you use bait such as marshmellows its pretty dog proof.
Last edited by barrelsime; 07/04/12 10:08 PM.
" Let us endeavor so to live, that when we come to die, even the undertaker will be sorry." Mark Twain