The demonization of smoking......
09/29/20 01:04 PM
09/29/20 01:04 PM
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YES, I BELIEVE SMOKING IS BAD, now to my point. Our culture has over demonized smoking in my opinion. If you look back in history soo many people smoked and lived long and healthy lives, but if you look into what they smoked you start to realize the difference. For instance in the 1940s smoking was HUGE and yes they were smoking tabbacoo but it was just that, just tabbacoo. Nowadays tabbacoo is mixed with extra nicotine and chemicals. The other thing is that in 1940s smoking was done as a way to relax and done socially less chainsmoking and sure it was still bad but significantly less so. Indians smoked tabbacoo, mullein and a host of other herbs, were they dropping of lung cancer? Maybe but not that I've heard of. Mullein has been proven to improve lung health, and yes EVEN when smoked. Infact Mullein has been shown to help repair the damage done by smoking regular cigarettes. So am I saying to smoke mullein? Not exactly I mean you can, or make it into tea or whatever. I just think amazing how we've lost things like smoking Mullein. MULLEIN is also a wonderful plant may be the closest thing to a wonder plant, it also relieves stress and tons of other things. So I dont disagree with the demonizing of conventional cigarettes but our ancestors have smoked things for soo long its ridiculous, the vikings smoked herbs as well. So I guess what I'm saying is that our culture has made smoking out to be a terrible thing when personally I believe its more of what you smoke. Just my 2 cents worth not saying you should smoke or anything. But thought some might have this interesting. -Garrett.
Re: The demonization of smoking......
[Re: Crit-R-Dun]
09/29/20 01:34 PM
09/29/20 01:34 PM
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How old are you Garrett? I'm guessing 15 by your handle? My boys are 19 and 20 and both got sucked into the vaping trend when it started as harmless flavoured vape. They're now both full on nicotine addicts and are struggling to get off it. My point simply, if you're charmed with the notion that smoking is cool and want to get into it keep in mind nobody was born with an urge to smoke you actually have to endure some discomfort to get into it. It's so much easier to avoid it then to have to give it up once you're hooked, it's a terrible addiction. Oh trust me I know, vape is extremely terrible for you and so is smoking. In fact vape contains formaldehyde. And Im sorry if I came off wrong. I dont think anyone should smoke and I dont think its cool, what interesting to me is just how somethings like that are lost. And I am NOT saying it shouldn't be lost.
Re: The demonization of smoking......
[Re: KeithC]
09/29/20 01:34 PM
09/29/20 01:34 PM
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You can get the benefits of mullein from making and taking a tincture without having to harm your lungs by smoking.
Keith yes Im aware
Re: The demonization of smoking......
[Re: Crit-R-Dun]
09/29/20 02:12 PM
09/29/20 02:12 PM
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How old are you Garrett? I'm guessing 15 by your handle? My boys are 19 and 20 and both got sucked into the vaping trend when it started as harmless flavoured vape. Every time I see a guy sucking on a vaping device I just assume he is a homosexual who likes cylindrical objects on their lips. No offense to your boys but putting it the way I just did got two of my cousins of stop vaping almost instantly.
Re: The demonization of smoking......
[Re: Donnersurvivor]
09/29/20 02:13 PM
09/29/20 02:13 PM
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How old are you Garrett? I'm guessing 15 by your handle? My boys are 19 and 20 and both got sucked into the vaping trend when it started as harmless flavoured vape. Every time I see a guy sucking on a vaping device I just assume he is a homosexual who likes cylindrical objects on their lips. No offense to your boys but putting it the way I just did got two of my cousins of stop vaping almost instantly. Thats a good way of looking at it
Re: The demonization of smoking......
[Re: Donnersurvivor]
09/29/20 03:04 PM
09/29/20 03:04 PM
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How old are you Garrett? I'm guessing 15 by your handle? My boys are 19 and 20 and both got sucked into the vaping trend when it started as harmless flavoured vape. Every time I see a guy sucking on a vaping device I just assume he is a homosexual who likes cylindrical objects on their lips. No offense to your boys but putting it the way I just did got two of my cousins of stop vaping almost instantly. That would be meaningless, they're not homophobes.
Re: The demonization of smoking......
[Re: cowboy2005]
09/29/20 03:20 PM
09/29/20 03:20 PM
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I love mullein tea. It just came out of bloom around here. Lots of it grows around the RR tracks. I smoked until 15 years ago myself. Tough thing to quit. I see what you mean cowboy. My take on it is all those years ago people smoked more cigars and pipes which weren't inhaled as much. This could have been why there was less lung cancer (if there even was less). ADC, Im with you I think you should be flogged for smoking with kids in a car. I do find it hard to believe that smoking a different herb will help lung function whatsoever, it's still smoke.
NYSTA, NTA, FTA, life member Erie county trappers assn.,life member Catt.county trappers
Re: The demonization of smoking......
[Re: white17]
09/29/20 03:45 PM
09/29/20 03:45 PM
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Watch your parents, only brother, 2 sisters, and several of your favorite aunts and uncles die too young of complications all related to smoking and second hand smoke and you'll be a little more jaded too. I hate smoking and will not be around it. Inconsiderate smokers are the worst. Puffing away not caring who they are stinking up or making sick with their vile smoke then tossing the butts where ever they fall as if the world is their ashtray. Smoking in cars and confined spaces with kids is even worse, anyone doing so should be ashamed of this abusive behavior. X2 I tell those near me that if I see smoke I will assume they are on fire and will act accordingly. So, expect a bucket of water or being rolled around on the ground until the smoke clears...
~Illegitimi Non Carborundum~
Re: The demonization of smoking......
[Re: Turtledale]
09/29/20 04:07 PM
09/29/20 04:07 PM
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I love mullein tea. It just came out of bloom around here. Lots of it grows around the RR tracks. I smoked until 15 years ago myself. Tough thing to quit. I see what you mean cowboy. My take on it is all those years ago people smoked more cigars and pipes which weren't inhaled as much. This could have been why there was less lung cancer (if there even was less). ADC, Im with you I think you should be flogged for smoking with kids in a car. I do find it hard to believe that smoking a different herb will help lung function whatsoever, it's still smoke. Right, I'm just going off of what I've read that smoking mullein is better, but I for sure agree it is still smoke and still bad.
Re: The demonization of smoking......
[Re: Foxpaw]
09/29/20 04:12 PM
09/29/20 04:12 PM
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I do not smoke and never have. Watched my dad die from lung cancer and drowning on dry land is not a pretty thing.
My great great grandmother smoked a pipe all her life and most of all my relatives down to me. My gg grandma lived to be 92 and my gg grandpa lived to be 93 and was a smoker. I just wonder if any of the insecticide and herbicide on the tobacco now days could be a influencing factor?
I was talking to the druggist one day about my dad still smoking up until he died (try managing smoking and oxygen without get someone killed). Any way the pharmacist said his dad and grandpa lived to 95 and 92. He said everyone said drinking and smoking killed them both, lol. I think that insecticide and such must be a factor and the additional nicotine and bleached paper cigarettes are rolled in. My great uncle smoked a pipe and lived to be like 98. My Grandfather smoked all thru the Korean War, came home and never touched another cigarette he is 94 and unfortunately in rather poor health and has alzheimer's but he doesn't have lung conditions.
Last edited by cowboy2005; 09/29/20 04:13 PM.
Re: The demonization of smoking......
[Re: KeithC]
09/29/20 04:43 PM
09/29/20 04:43 PM
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I hate that most cigarette smokers feel entitled to throw their butts on the ground whenever they're done with them. I frequently have people who come here for birds throw their cigarette butts on the ground. I always make them pick the butts up if I see them do it. They always act embarrassed and sorry. You would think adult human beings would have the decency not to litter.
Keith One of the most disgusting things that I observed in my many years working in factories was men throwing cigarette butts in the urinals , knowing that some poor janitor would have to fish them out. How sick!
"I'm the paterfamilias"