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Pete Petry saga #7298086
07/02/21 05:47 PM
07/02/21 05:47 PM
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Central Ohio
LT GREY Offline OP
LT GREY  Offline OP

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Central Ohio
Anyone know what the final story was on that ?
A lot of trappers seem to like ol' Pete.
Sad how that ended

Re: Pete Petry saga [Re: LT GREY] #7298092
07/02/21 05:59 PM
07/02/21 05:59 PM
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Philippines, s.e. asia,ohio
west river rogue Offline
west river rogue  Offline

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I personally have enough going on in my life to care what happens out there. Raising my own properly encapsulates me. Im not gonna make speculation on what i dont personally know.

Re: Pete Petry saga [Re: LT GREY] #7298158
07/02/21 07:28 PM
07/02/21 07:28 PM
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YamaCat Offline
YamaCat  Offline

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Not familiar. Is there a back story ?

Re: Pete Petry saga [Re: LT GREY] #7298210
07/02/21 08:33 PM
07/02/21 08:33 PM
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MJM Offline
MJM  Offline

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SUBLETTE COUNTY — Sublette County Sheriff’s Office (SCSO) provided new information in missing person case of Vanessa “Nessy” Orren from 2017.

In January 2017, the Sublette County Sheriff’s Office received a missing person’s report. Orren, age 61, of LaBarge, WY was reported missing. The SCSO has been actively investigating Orren’s disappearance since the missing person’s report was made. Orren was entered into NCIC (National Crime Information Center) and NamUs (National Missing and Unidentified Persons System) as a missing person.

During the course of the investigation, Detectives obtained a search warrant to search the property belonging to Darrell “Pete” Petry for any evidence relating to the disappearance of Orren. On Saturday June 19, the search warrant was executed. The search warrant was executed with the assistance of multiple agencies including NecroSearch, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Bureau of Land Management, Wyoming Game and Fish, Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office, and the Wyoming Highway Patrol.

During the multi-day execution of the search warrant, Petry left the property and was later found deceased on June 22 by Sublette County Deputies and Wyoming Highway Patrol. A subsequent investigation into the death of Petry was conducted by the SCSO. Petry’s death was determined to be self-inflicted and there is no foul play suspected.

The disappearance of Orren is still being actively investigated by the SCSO. The sheriff’s office requests anyone with any information related to the disappearance of Orren to please contact the Sublette County Sheriff’s Office Detective Division at 307-367-4378.

"Not Really, Not Really"
Mark J Monti
"MJM you're a jerk."
Re: Pete Petry saga [Re: LT GREY] #7298213
07/02/21 08:34 PM
07/02/21 08:34 PM
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MJM Offline
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A Sublette County man who described himself as a trapper who “lived completely off grid” killed himself while law enforcement authorities were searching his property for a missing woman, the Sublette County Sheriff’s Department office announced on Wednesday.

On June 19, a search warrant was served to Darrell “Pete” Petry which allowed authorities to begin the search for Vanessa “Nessy” Oren, a 61-year-old Labarge woman who has been missing since January, 2017.

During the multi-day search, Petry left his property and was found dead on June 22. An investigation determined that his death was self-inflicted and no foul play is suspected.

Authorities told the Casper Star Tribune that Petry was not under arrest and was “free to come and go.”

Petry described his property on his Facebook page as a “remote area in southwest Wyoming completely off grid.”

The self-described trapper said he was retired but still worked part-time in “predator control.”

He also said he had been raising bobcats since 2012.

“Keeping a pet bobcat in the house has been a teaching experience,” Petry wrote. “I’ve learned more about the cats and what, why and when they are attracted to some scents compared to other scents. An example being rubbing on WD40. Odd uh? And bobcats have a better sense of smell than most trappers.”

Petry appeared to be an active Facebook participant in 2015 and early 2016. His page is full of photos — some gruesome — of coyotes, foxes, and other animals caught in snares and traps.

At the same time, he posted photos of his pet bobcat lounging around his cabin.

“He is loose in the house a lot,” Petry wrote. “Spends most of his time in the house fact is. He use to not mind my girls be’n here.”

The Search warrant was executed with the assistance of multiple agencies including NecroSearch, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Bureau of Land Management, Wyoming Game and Fish, Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office, and the Wyoming Highway Patrol.

According to The Charley Project, an online clearinghouse of information for missing persons, the missing woman last had contact with her family in late January or early February of 2016.

“She has never been heard from again,” the site said.

The disappearance of Vanessa “Nessy” Orren is still being actively investigated by the Sublette County Sheriff’s Office.

The Sublette County Sheriff’s requests anyone with any information related to the disappearance of Vanessa Orren to please contact the Sublette County Sheriff’s Office Detective Division at 307-367-4378.

Last edited by MJM; 07/02/21 08:35 PM.

"Not Really, Not Really"
Mark J Monti
"MJM you're a jerk."
Re: Pete Petry saga [Re: LT GREY] #7298241
07/02/21 09:27 PM
07/02/21 09:27 PM
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Marion Kansas
Yes sir Offline
Yes sir  Offline

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Marion Kansas
Is this the guy that has some trapping videos on YouTube? I'm guessing it was this year they executed the search warrant and he shot himself?

Kind of been my impression if they commit suicide they are probably guilty.

Re: Pete Petry saga [Re: LT GREY] #7298245
07/02/21 09:34 PM
07/02/21 09:34 PM
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beartooth trapr Offline
beartooth trapr  Offline

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Well that sum's it up huh

Let me sugar coat this
Re: Pete Petry saga [Re: LT GREY] #7298252
07/02/21 10:03 PM
07/02/21 10:03 PM
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YamaCat Offline
YamaCat  Offline

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Thanks. Had no idea. But I did read the Claude Dallas story in the Trapper way back when.

Re: Pete Petry saga [Re: LT GREY] #7298315
07/03/21 01:20 AM
07/03/21 01:20 AM
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Oakland, MS
yotetrapper30 Offline
yotetrapper30  Offline

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Oh wow. I've been "friends" with him on facebook for probably a decade. I always liked his pet bobcat posts.

He sold lures and had good reviews. I thought of buying from him, but never did.

Reckon her remains are scattered in the bottom of dirtholes in 50 states?

Just give me one thing, that I can hold on to. To believe in this livin' is just a hard way to go.
Re: Pete Petry saga [Re: LT GREY] #7298842
07/03/21 11:48 PM
07/03/21 11:48 PM
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South Dakota
TravC Offline
TravC  Offline

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I really liked Pete talk to him a good bit over the years . Very good trapper
As far as the “saga” there’s two sides to every story The women in question had a bad history and has disappeared before I have my doubts that Pete killed that women but I’m not an investigator
I wish Pete didn’t take his own life I learned alot talking to him on the phone he was very knowledgeable
Pete made a lot of his liveing off his lures baits if I had to guess all the agency’s involved very possibly seized a lot of what he had animals to. That’s a heck of a blow to his income

There i said it....
Re: Pete Petry saga [Re: LT GREY] #7298856
07/04/21 12:58 AM
07/04/21 12:58 AM
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Vinke Offline
Vinke  Offline

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Yep..... Sad how things end????
I am waiting for a call

Last edited by Vinke; 07/04/21 12:58 AM.

Ant Man/ Marty 2028
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