One of the people I had the pleasure of meeting
in person at this years NTA convention in Lima, was
Kendall Obermier of Allison, Iowa.In 50 plus years of being a trapper, you meet a lot of people and you certainly see a lot of people come and go in this industry.
I went to my first NTA convention in 1978 in Clearfield, Pa.
Fur was KING then.
Times have changed.
I've gone to a lot of shows. NTA, FTA OSTA and a number of state conventions.
I think I'm a pretty good judge of character and most people I take at face value.
Few people impress me based on just meeting them.
Kendall Obermier is one person however that did.
It's not that Kendall puts up some serious numbers of fur bearers.
It's not that his company has a trap, equipment and/or scent for just about everything you'd trap. . .
It's him.
Straight shooter, straight shot.
As nice of a person as I've met in this industry.
Modesty must be his middle name.
In a world full of B.S., he's the real deal.
If I were 25 years old, I would sell every trap I owned and re-outfit myself with B.S. traps and equipment.
His products are just that good.
With the
F 4 W M offering up to $2,500.00 per wolf ( and you get to keep the animal ), you can see where some serious money could be made.
Rusty Kramer, the Idaho Trapper's Assn current president, caught four wolves on his line last season.
In case you can't do the math, that $10 K.
Not since O'Gorman Enterprises' catalog has a trapping catalog been so good, I couldn't put it down.
Just about everything you need to be successful on the trap line, is sold by Kendall's company : No B.S. LURES
Clear cut and easy to understand.
Lots of valuable information.
If you went to this years NTA, and didn't pick up a catalog. . .you missed out !
I own one B.S. Coyote trap.
I have hundreds of coyote traps, even some modified by J.C. Conner (and who has that ?) .
Every trap that can hold a coyote. I own.
CDR's ?
Got'em !
Jake traps ?
Got'em !
Coyote Cuffs, Heimbrocks, Sterling MJ 600's NDZ, Bridgers, Montanas, Northwoods, Montgomerys, Newhouse, B & L's
Got'em , Got'em, Got'em. . .
I have traps I'll never set.But the next traps I buy, if I can get my health back. . . will be NO B.S. traps
IMO, if Craig O'Gorman endorses your product, that speaks volumes to meSimple enough, but good enough.
As I said,
"If I were 25". . .