02/01/23 09:01 AM
02/01/23 09:01 AM
Joined: Jan 2007
Posts: 1,115 Snow Hill, MD
Joined: Jan 2007
Posts: 1,115
Snow Hill, MD
Overall, how was your season?
I’ll start. Overall, ours was slow. The mild January temps did not help. Divers never really showed up in numbers. Very few scaup, normally thousands fill our coastal bay. Plenty of bufflehead, and normal amount of scoters. Puddle ducks on the ponds and creeks were average. Lots of black ducks, handful of teal and mallards mixed in. Very few pintail, gadwall, few more wood ducks. Average amount of Canada geese. Killed two banded ducks, a black duck from Maine and a mallard from Quebec. Season ended yesterday.
Had fun! Training a new pup, “Lady” is a year old and really doing well.
Re: Waterfowlers
[Re: JoMiBru]
02/01/23 09:50 AM
02/01/23 09:50 AM
Joined: May 2021
Posts: 187 New Jersey
Joined: May 2021
Posts: 187
New Jersey
I'm still waiting for the snow geese to show up here in NJ. Our season was lackluster, more because we just did not get out enough, and the days we did always seemed to be bluebird days and calm. We've got our one pup who is about to turn 2, it was her first season and just brought our 2nd bird dog home right before Christmas. ![[Linked Image]](https://trapperman.com/forum/attachments/usergals/2023/02/full-55270-167065-carlinduck.jpg)
Re: Waterfowlers
[Re: Donnersurvivor]
02/01/23 10:05 AM
02/01/23 10:05 AM
Joined: May 2016
Posts: 967 Illinois
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Posts: 967
We shot a lot of local geese on a year not many other people did, I just happened to have "the field" but lost it to someone who leased it, we set up one field over and ran traffic on the leaser and we got most of the birds, they will probably try and lease both fields next year but it was fun while it lasted. Very few ducks but I did very little duck hunting, there are ducks here but not many. My dog retrieved around 10 ducks in his first year which was awesome. I hope you were far enough away that the guys who leased that field couldn’t see the birds you got. Lol that is funny and bet it was fun.
Re: Waterfowlers
[Re: DRF]
02/01/23 10:31 AM
02/01/23 10:31 AM
Joined: Jan 2018
Posts: 5,251 MN
Joined: Jan 2018
Posts: 5,251
We shot a lot of local geese on a year not many other people did, I just happened to have "the field" but lost it to someone who leased it, we set up one field over and ran traffic on the leaser and we got most of the birds, they will probably try and lease both fields next year but it was fun while it lasted. I hope you were far enough away that the guys who leased that field couldn’t see the birds you got. Lol that is funny and bet it was fun. Nope, they got to watch us shoot a pile of geese while they shot at pigeons. They got a few, we got 58 during the 3 early season weekends. Not many birds around this year and I was thrilled with 58
Re: Waterfowlers
[Re: Gun Nut]
02/01/23 01:59 PM
02/01/23 01:59 PM
Joined: Apr 2016
Posts: 832 Labrador, Canada
Joined: Apr 2016
Posts: 832
Labrador, Canada
We quit after the holidays when we found an alarming amount of sick and dead birds. I enjoy hunting but I don't want to eat it or have my dog exposed to it. Mostly in the canada geese along the north platte river.
Gun Nut Might be botulism as opposed to avian flu out your way. Be nice to know for sure.
Re: Waterfowlers
[Re: claycreech]
02/01/23 02:01 PM
02/01/23 02:01 PM
Joined: Apr 2016
Posts: 832 Labrador, Canada
Joined: Apr 2016
Posts: 832
Labrador, Canada
I’d give our duck season a B. Located in NC Missouri. November was very good. December was hit and miss. One thing that stood out was the tremendous numbers of GW teal this year. We killed 916 ducks out of our pit. We killed 11 divers. We kill almost exclusively puddle ducks.
Whatever can your group do with over 900 ducks even including a lot of teal? Must be a lot of you.
Re: Waterfowlers
[Re: crosspatch]
02/01/23 02:45 PM
02/01/23 02:45 PM
Joined: Dec 2012
Posts: 2,425 NC - Here there and everywhere
Joined: Dec 2012
Posts: 2,425
NC - Here there and everywhere
Whatever can your group do with over 900 ducks even including a lot of teal? Must be a lot of you. Not hard to eat that many. We have a group of 8 that splits everything and we kill 800-1000 birds per season. We turn about 500 geese a year into snack sticks and summer sausage. Gets eaten by us and distributed to landowners and neighbors as Christmas gifts. That always goes very quick The remaining 3-500 ducks of our yearly total are plucked whole if they're puddle ducks or redheads/canvasbacks. Bluebills, buffleheads, etc get ground into duck burger with pork added. I donated 100 whole plucked birds to our church for the wild game supper this year. Usually do 3 or 4 big cookouts every year. By the time September 1st comes back around my freezer will be next to empty. If we didn't have a way to eat them all and thoroughly enjoy doing so I wouldn't kill them
Gotta live up to the nickname...