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5 years of life changes #8221717
09/23/24 04:56 PM
09/23/24 04:56 PM
Joined: Dec 2006
Posts: 963
Lebanon, WI
Randy Wieland Offline OP
Randy Wieland  Offline OP

Joined: Dec 2006
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Lebanon, WI
Been about 5 years since that last time I logged into T/man. What a crazy path to be on and to realize just how life circumstances can really dictate what you can and can not do. Obviously others have life situations that leave them disabled, blind, and so on and I respect what they do to over come those ailments.
For me, it been all family driven. My mother developed lung issues and I had to do in home hospice. No one else could do it, which I didn't mind. But that set off the chain of events. I temporarily closed my business and took care of her around the clock for months. Shortly after her passing, my Father took a dive off the cliff with his health and I've been caring for him for almost 5 years. We are at home hospice care point, but he is way to stubborn to pass. Something I'm more grateful for than can ever be described. After loosing close friends and a few near and dear heros in my life, I learned to never leave anything unsaid! A blessing I have in the care of my parents that millions of people would nearly die for. Having those repeated conversations about any and everything is special. I genuinely feel for everyone that looses a love one unexpectedly and will never have the opportunity to experience that.

Add in my first grandson, closing my businesses out completely, depleting our cash on hand, housing markets killed my retirement funds when the banks crashed, and that list goes on and on. I look in the mirror and wonder where the heck all the gray hair came from, the goals that I stopped chasing, the ones I achieved and realized are much more meaningless that I thought then, the unfinished projects, and the life I stepped away from. Hard to recognize this path some days.

But I was out in the barn cleaning some crap up that was left piled up a few years ago and I began to just stare at the weathered boards. Like flipping a switch, I fell into a long train of thought about one of my biggest heroes in life and every year seeing our traps hung up on the side of his barn. Unbelievable the sense of comfort and relaxation that came to me in my mind as I dwelled on that. For a few minutes, no stress, no demands of life, and just a steady stream of great memories.

Needless to say, almost 6 years of dust is blown off and its time. Doesn't matter the pelt value, or hitting a 75 coyote target, or anything else that is just minor details. Trapping has always been a place of learning, imagination, understanding, teaching...and its time to be back. That also prompted me to take a few minutes while dad is asleep to jump in back here. ( I do appreciate that our profiles are still here after that amount of time.) A lot people I lost contact with that are amazing people with incredible core values. Hope everyone has a great and fullfilling season for any reason you trap.

So, its been a very long time and I'm sure there are so many new people. But I have to know, is it still advisable to keep the aluminum hat readily available and be concerned of the curse of the cat lady in Iowa??

The only thing worse than losing........Is QUITTING!
Lifetime Member WTA
Re: 5 years of life changes [Re: Randy Wieland] #8221724
09/23/24 05:14 PM
09/23/24 05:14 PM
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logger coffey Offline
logger coffey  Offline

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I dont know the cat lady but yes keep your hat ready and get some high top rubber boots. o yea, and your doing a great thing for your family thumbs up.

Last edited by logger coffey; 09/23/24 05:25 PM.
Re: 5 years of life changes [Re: Randy Wieland] #8221727
09/23/24 05:22 PM
09/23/24 05:22 PM
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Franklin Co. Ohio
oh trap Offline
oh trap  Offline

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Franklin Co. Ohio
Glad to see your back to trappin Randy.. good luck this season.

Ms Cat still congers up weather anomalies and her aim still hasn't improved

You don't join the Marines...You become one
Re: 5 years of life changes [Re: Randy Wieland] #8221729
09/23/24 05:27 PM
09/23/24 05:27 PM
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smithfield, virginia
flash Offline
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Re: 5 years of life changes [Re: Randy Wieland] #8221731
09/23/24 05:30 PM
09/23/24 05:30 PM
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Goldsboro, North Carolina
Paul Dobbins Offline
"Trapperman custodian"
Paul Dobbins  Offline
"Trapperman custodian"

Joined: Dec 2006
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Goldsboro, North Carolina
It's great to have you back!

John 14:6 Jesus answered, �I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

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Re: 5 years of life changes [Re: Randy Wieland] #8221732
09/23/24 05:31 PM
09/23/24 05:31 PM
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Three Lakes,WI 73
corky Offline
corky  Offline

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Welcome back Randy
This place is getting more like Facebook every day.

Re: 5 years of life changes [Re: Randy Wieland] #8221733
09/23/24 05:36 PM
09/23/24 05:36 PM
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Piney va. soon be 19
cotton Offline
cotton  Offline

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Piney va. soon be 19
Welcome home

John 3/16

ifin your gonna be dumb ya gotta be tough
VTA life member

Re: 5 years of life changes [Re: Randy Wieland] #8221734
09/23/24 05:37 PM
09/23/24 05:37 PM
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Muskrat Offline
Muskrat  Offline

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Hey buddy, been awhile. Good to see you're back. Take care, my friend.

Lifetime member of WTA and NTA
Re: 5 years of life changes [Re: Randy Wieland] #8221737
09/23/24 05:59 PM
09/23/24 05:59 PM
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Smithsburg, MD
J.C. Offline
J.C.  Offline

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Smithsburg, MD
That was beautiful and well spoken

To a person ignorant of nature, his country stroll is a walk through a gallery filled with wonderful works of art with their faces turned to the wall
Re: 5 years of life changes [Re: Randy Wieland] #8221745
09/23/24 06:13 PM
09/23/24 06:13 PM
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South Ga - Almost Florida
Swamp Wolf Offline
Swamp Wolf  Offline

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South Ga - Almost Florida
Thanks for sharing your story with us.

Welcome back!!

Thank God For Your Blessings!
Never Half-Arse Anything!

Resource Protection Service

Re: 5 years of life changes [Re: Randy Wieland] #8221768
09/23/24 06:37 PM
09/23/24 06:37 PM
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Central, SD
Law Dog Offline
Law Dog  Offline

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Central, SD
You get knocked down you get up and start over, welcome back.

Was born in a Big City Will die in the Country OK with that!

Jerry Herbst
Re: 5 years of life changes [Re: Paul Dobbins] #8221776
09/23/24 06:42 PM
09/23/24 06:42 PM
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Lebanon, WI
Randy Wieland Offline OP
Randy Wieland  Offline OP

Joined: Dec 2006
Posts: 963
Lebanon, WI
Originally Posted by Paul Dobbins
It's great to have you back!

Paul, how many times has the board crash?? lol. Glad to see this forum still up and going!! And Kudos to all that continue to contribute.

Mike, it’s been way too long. Hope all is well at your place.

Great to see some familiar names after all this

The only thing worse than losing........Is QUITTING!
Lifetime Member WTA
Re: 5 years of life changes [Re: Randy Wieland] #8221786
09/23/24 06:53 PM
09/23/24 06:53 PM
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james bay frontierOnt.
Boco Offline
Boco  Offline

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james bay frontierOnt.
Life has a tendancy to throw curve balls out of the blue sometimes.
Sounds like you got your head screwed on right and handled it well.
In the big picture 5 years is not a real long time when looking back,Seems a lot longer when looking forward.

Forget that fear of gravity-get a little savagery in your life.
Re: 5 years of life changes [Re: Randy Wieland] #8221832
09/23/24 08:00 PM
09/23/24 08:00 PM
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Turtledale Offline
Turtledale  Offline

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Life has a tendency to change and evolve in ways we never can imagine. Got to roll with the punches . Welcome back aboard and God bless

NYSTA, NTA, FTA, life member Erie county trappers assn.,life member Catt.county trappers
Re: 5 years of life changes [Re: Randy Wieland] #8221836
09/23/24 08:10 PM
09/23/24 08:10 PM
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Williamsport, Pa.
jk Offline
jk  Offline

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Williamsport, Pa.
Welcome back and congratulations on all the work you did for your family. My hat is off to you......jk

Free people are not equal. Equal people are not free. What's supposed to be ain't always is. Hopper Hunter
Re: 5 years of life changes [Re: Randy Wieland] #8221838
09/23/24 08:12 PM
09/23/24 08:12 PM
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Northern Maine
Bruce T Offline
Bruce T  Offline

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Northern Maine
Good luck this coming trapping season.


#1 goal=Trap a wolverine
Re: 5 years of life changes [Re: Randy Wieland] #8221839
09/23/24 08:13 PM
09/23/24 08:13 PM
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Mediocre Trapper Offline
Mediocre Trapper  Offline

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Glad your back wish you luck on trap line

Don’t waste the day
Re: 5 years of life changes [Re: Randy Wieland] #8222094
09/24/24 07:15 AM
09/24/24 07:15 AM
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Port Jervis, NY
beachcomber13 Offline
beachcomber13  Offline

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Port Jervis, NY
Good on you for taking care of your parents and welcome back. Have fun making more memories while trapping this season.

Re: 5 years of life changes [Re: Randy Wieland] #8222150
09/24/24 09:14 AM
09/24/24 09:14 AM
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elsmasho82 Offline
elsmasho82  Offline

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After all that you’ve been through, I am happy to hear you can find comfort and peace in good memories of trapping and the promise of better days ahead!

Re: 5 years of life changes [Re: Randy Wieland] #8222156
09/24/24 09:19 AM
09/24/24 09:19 AM
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Goldsboro, North Carolina
Paul Dobbins Offline
"Trapperman custodian"
Paul Dobbins  Offline
"Trapperman custodian"

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Goldsboro, North Carolina
Originally Posted by Randy Wieland
Originally Posted by Paul Dobbins
It's great to have you back!

Paul, how many times has the board crash?? lol. Glad to see this forum still up and going!! And Kudos to all that continue to contribute

It has been good since 2006. No crashes.

John 14:6 Jesus answered, �I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

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