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Chainsaw's #8233074
10/10/24 12:44 PM
10/10/24 12:44 PM
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Midlands South Carolina
SGT. C Offline OP
SGT. C  Offline OP

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Midlands South Carolina
Let's talk chainsaws. Which brand and model you've had the least trouble with.
.I'm personally in the market for one that will handle a 20" bar. I have a 14 inch Echo for smaller stuff and like it. Also have a Stihl pole saw I like. But I need more power and longer bar saw.

A hero voluntary walks into the dangers of the unknown
Freedom is accomplished by good men willing to do bad things to bad people

Re: Chainsaw's [Re: SGT. C] #8233076
10/10/24 12:47 PM
10/10/24 12:47 PM
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WI Outdoors Offline
WI Outdoors  Offline

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I think keeping good gas in small engines is a big deal. Take care of any name brand saw and it will take care of you. I'd buy something that's from a reputable dealer close by and not worry about brand. Having close service is good.

Re: Chainsaw's [Re: SGT. C] #8233077
10/10/24 12:48 PM
10/10/24 12:48 PM
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Swords Creek, VA
ABeardedTrapper Offline
ABeardedTrapper  Offline

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Swords Creek, VA
Stihl 271 farm boss. Eric

Re: Chainsaw's [Re: ABeardedTrapper] #8233078
10/10/24 12:49 PM
10/10/24 12:49 PM
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Originally Posted by ABeardedTrapper
Stihl 271 farm boss. Eric

got the same one never had a issue

The rifle has no will of its own it may be used for evil but there are more good men than evil men and evil will be corrected by good men with rifles.
Re: Chainsaw's [Re: SGT. C] #8233085
10/10/24 01:04 PM
10/10/24 01:04 PM
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Guss Offline
Guss  Offline

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Husky rancher455 good saw nice power.

Re: Chainsaw's [Re: SGT. C] #8233092
10/10/24 01:11 PM
10/10/24 01:11 PM
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Super Wide Offline
Super Wide  Offline

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Stihl 361 Pro with a 25" bar. You can run a 20 bar if you want. All the saw you will ever need. And with the 25 inch bar, you don't have to bend over as much using it, just when you buy it! About $625

My Super Wide will pull your broken down 4 stroke, up a hill backwards, with you on it!
Re: Chainsaw's [Re: SGT. C] #8233094
10/10/24 01:16 PM
10/10/24 01:16 PM
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Wright Brothers Offline
Wright Brothers  Offline

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Have a 572xp with extras I'll let go for a grand + shipping.
24" husq brand bar. It'll handle 32".

Last edited by Wright Brothers; 10/10/24 01:19 PM.

Re: Chainsaw's [Re: SGT. C] #8233097
10/10/24 01:17 PM
10/10/24 01:17 PM
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Providence Farm Offline
Providence Farm  Offline

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I have stihl and echo mostly stihl. echo started easier but typically has less powered to weight. I have wore a few stihl trim Saws out but still have an 029 I bought when I was 18. I don't use it preferring my 361 because it's
a lb lighter and has more power.

I'm thinking about getting another smaller saw so it's easier and lighter for the boys to use and I think the 455 guys recommend may be one I will go with. There are more husky dealers by my farm than stihl that dominated the area I used to live. Power to weight is what I look at. I want the most power per lb. today I can get a 10 cc larger husky than my 361 stihl that's just a bit the same weight. I have been tempted to buy it but I really don't need another larger saw 70cc and over 1k so have not bought it and likely never will unless my old stihl finally wears out.

Re: Chainsaw's [Re: SGT. C] #8233104
10/10/24 01:45 PM
10/10/24 01:45 PM
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Green County Wisconsin

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Green County Wisconsin
my top 3 brands would be

Husky , Echo , Stihl in no particular order

who do you have for a dealer near you? get the feel of that dealer you want the support and that decides the order for me who is there what is their attitude , what actual services do they provide.

I have Jonsered saws because that was the dealer supporting me when I had a Stihl

Jonsered / husky same thing , my dealer changed signs and now sells Husquavarna because they discontinued Jonsered aka red case husky

follow the divide by 3 rule and any saw works
that is if you want a 20 inch bar to really cut you want to be running a 60cc saw or very close to it 59cc would do

if you know and like Echo and have a good dealer then a CS-590 is a good way to get what you need running a 20 inch bar

my son now works for the Stihl dealer I have been driving past to get service from the Jonsered/Husky dealer now for about 16 years and if I was buying a new saw today , it still wouldn't be a Stihl , they give employees almost no discount , they cost more , the nearest place that actually works on them is 20 miles away and the local dealer still doesn't work on hardly anything themselves , drop your saw off and pick it up later they have a guy come in once a week or send it out.
my son mostly handles equipment rentals a different side of the business.
he is an equipment operator loading and unloading trucks and other stuff and rental equipment this is his part time job while he is in tech school.

America only has one issue, we have a Responsibility crisis and everything else stems from it.
Re: Chainsaw's [Re: Guss] #8233107
10/10/24 01:47 PM
10/10/24 01:47 PM
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Green County Wisconsin

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Green County Wisconsin
Originally Posted by Guss
Husky rancher455 good saw nice power.

if you like it with a 20 inch bar , try it with an 18 and you will love it until you get behind a 372xp then you will think cutting with it is like watching paint dry.

America only has one issue, we have a Responsibility crisis and everything else stems from it.
Re: Chainsaw's [Re: SGT. C] #8233111
10/10/24 01:54 PM
10/10/24 01:54 PM
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Lebanon, WI
Randy Wieland Offline
Randy Wieland  Offline

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My saws are getting older, but run perfectly and easy starting regardless of weather
Jonsered 2165 - 28"bar full chisel (kicks pretty easy) / 2265 20" bar. 1/2 chisel

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Re: Chainsaw's [Re: SGT. C] #8233113
10/10/24 01:57 PM
10/10/24 01:57 PM
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Central, SD
Law Dog Offline
Law Dog  Offline

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Stihl 390 has cut a lot of wood I have 2 026 but seldom use them.

Was born in a Big City Will die in the Country OK with that!

Jerry Herbst
Re: Chainsaw's [Re: SGT. C] #8233173
10/10/24 03:46 PM
10/10/24 03:46 PM
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Henry Co, IL
3togo Offline
3togo  Offline

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For current, able to buy saws the best price to performance brand is Echo. I bought a new CS590 at an auction years ago, had an extra bar (24") and 2 extra chains. First thing I did was to put the 24" bar on it. For a 59cc saw with no mods it cuts pretty well. Handles up to 20" wood pretty easily with a sharp full chisel chain.

I'm like the other 2 posters above that have Jonsereds. Great running saws if you can find an older one in good shape, but they have been out of production for quite a while.

Re: Chainsaw's [Re: SGT. C] #8233182
10/10/24 03:57 PM
10/10/24 03:57 PM
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concrete man Offline
concrete man  Offline

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I have the husky rancher with 20 inch the 18 probably would be better but the 20 comes in handy also have 14 echo both are good. But the kids got me a little 6 inch electric one that I figured I would not use but the little thing works great for cutting small limbs.

Re: Chainsaw's [Re: SGT. C] #8233183
10/10/24 03:58 PM
10/10/24 03:58 PM
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Beachtree Offline
Beachtree  Offline

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I log for a living if you want a well built saw stay away from home owner saws you get what you pay for. I run Stihl and husky there are good and bad with both.

Re: Chainsaw's [Re: SGT. C] #8233187
10/10/24 04:03 PM
10/10/24 04:03 PM
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houndone Offline
houndone  Offline

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I've have a stihl 460 close to 20 years old have never had a problem and cut a ton of firewood each year.had stihls forever and McCullough before that.

Re: Chainsaw's [Re: SGT. C] #8233192
10/10/24 04:12 PM
10/10/24 04:12 PM
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Lebanon, WI
Randy Wieland Offline
Randy Wieland  Offline

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Lebanon, WI
FYI - here is a link to a site that has a pretty good explanation to everything chainsaw blades. Not everyone gets exposed to all that is out there for info and don't always know what is best for their use, or pros/cons. As an example, I ordered a full chisel blade without knowing it. Cuts better, but more difficult to sharpen if you don't know the best technique and they kick back A LOT easier.

The only thing worse than losing........Is QUITTING!
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Re: Chainsaw's [Re: SGT. C] #8233220
10/10/24 04:37 PM
10/10/24 04:37 PM
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Spike369 Offline
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I've got a farm boss, 2 ms391s, 2 ms661s, and 1 Husqvarna. Never had any problems with any of them.

Re: Chainsaw's [Re: GREENCOUNTYPETE] #8233225
10/10/24 04:40 PM
10/10/24 04:40 PM
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Guss Offline
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Originally Posted by GREENCOUNTYPETE
Originally Posted by Guss
Husky rancher455 good saw nice power.

if you like it with a 20 inch bar , try it with an 18 and you will love it until you get behind a 372xp then you will think cutting with it is like watching paint dry.

20 " bar fits my th needs.

Re: Chainsaw's [Re: SGT. C] #8233231
10/10/24 04:57 PM
10/10/24 04:57 PM
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Upper Peninsula
CFH Offline
CFH  Offline

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[Linked Image]

550, 562, 572, 592 have all been good.
Stihl makes good saws too.
Buying from a good dealer is the .most important part.

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